Korn – Twisted Transistor

yeah korn are theyre new metal, jesus christ i know rock has gone 2 shit but jesus
MURAI said:
Why the hell is a Korn review on here. They're not even metal.
why do you think korn arent metal? its a fact that they are nu-metal...
by the way dont judge korn on their new albums because it sucks and its a disgrace to korn, I normally love anything Korn but this album is bad, and twisted transistor is in my opinion the worst song of the century.
anything korn did before "see u on the other side" is amazing, listen to that.
I never heard korn, but I heard the single in that nightmare peiriod where my cars CD player broke and I had to listen to radio. Got, that single was horrible. Mabye korn was okay at one point, I mean, at least they respect PF (yeah, I heard that "single" too). This song has scared me away from korn for a long time.
We review everything we get sent, metal or otherwise. Always have done, always will do. The point of our reviews is to give an objective as possible review of the CD, so people can decide whether to check it out or not. To not review stuff we don't like (or won't be well received) would not be doing this. :)

Full album review coming soon!