KORN guitarist James Shaffer believes Hitler went to heaven

Poison God

I am the Dog
Oct 24, 2001
New Jersey
KORN guitarist James "Munky" Shaffer believes Hitler went to heaven.

"I think this is true Hitler went to Heaven [if such a thing as Heaven really exists]," Shaffer told Britain's Metal Hammer magazine. "He felt that what he did was right, and I think that if what you feel you're doing is right, in your heart, then you can't be wrong!"

So I guess 2+2 = 5 because I believe it is correct. Fool.

LOL Does this guy drive a truck as well? WTF!

And even his last name might have Jewish roots. LOL again. Poor bastard.
since when is it no longer a right to have an opinion???:mad: also my fukkin' dad drove a truck to support his family---WHY IS THAT BAD...MAN THIS PLACE HAS SOME SNOBBY PEOPLE :(
Maybe he was just using Hitler as an example of how HE PERSONALLY thinks that even ppl who the world considers evil and bad can go on to a good afterlife(if that is what they believe in)if they believe that what they did w/their life was good or important.I guess in some cultures,when someone dies,they all have different visions of what their afterlife is going to be...like the ppl that believe in "God" may each have their own idea of Heaven or Hell.Not just that Heaven is pearly gates and clouds and angels or Hell isn't firey pits and demons and Satan.Like Heaven or Hell can be something that they thought in their life to be either paradise or torture.I personally think that when ppl die,they just die and rot in coffins.
well i guess he means there is no good or evil...it's just what YOU think good.i mean some christians believe that music can do damage to children,and they really believe it,they arent evil,they try to ban this music for the children's sake...he means that hitler had peace of mind when he died,because what he did seemed good to him.
Well,I'm glad Poison Godmachine was able to set us straight on the issue of the existence of God,heaven and hell...usually I'm the one that does that.But how can you say that there is no good or evil?Do you mean as in "God" or "Satan"?
"Right" and "wrong" are too general,I guess,kind of like "good "and "evil".Yeah,"ethical" and "unethical"make more sense...kind of like "moral"and "immoral"..."legal"and "illegal"..."constitutional" and "unconstitutional",of course that last one probobly isn't the best way to think,seeing as how not many ppl can decide on what is "constitutional" and what is not.
the original point of this thread does not amke sense to me...it depends on what kind of heaven mr. shaffer believes in....the way he sees heaven is just as stupid as the christian way...imo!
Scott Stapp-frontman of Creed,writes songs about God and angels and other Christian things and is,like I said,a whiny little bitch.Nevermind...continue dicussing James Schaffer and Hitler and good and evil,etc.
So "God" would let Hitler get into Heaven...as he would Goebbles and Himmler because "God" can forgive anyone,even those who murder?Okay...
Say I think there is a Heaven...who would be more likey to get into it-
a murderer
an athiest(I know that's a contradiction,but you said that god forgives everyone,right?)
a priest who rapes little children
An athiest has no chance of getting into heaven cuz you have to believe that Jesus was the son of God. Not believing is the one sin that is unforgivable. It's in the bible somewhere. Don't ask me where but I was in the same basic conversation about a month ago.