Korns new CD: Untouchables


aeternus eternus
Dec 24, 2001
I just recived an "advanced copy" of Untouchables and my god is this the worst fucking thing i have ever had the displeasure listened to.

With 15 tracks Korn has given me another reason to hate their music.

01 4:42 jesus is mexican
02 4:45 when balls touch
03 4:09 fo shizzle
04 4:32 here to stay
05 4:31 here to stay (dirty)
06 4:48 no horn
07 4:04 arizona
08 3:53 in and out
09 5:11 donuts and porno
10 4:18 inja
11 4:34 floyd
12 3:27 crack her
13 4:33 lord loves a hangin
14 5:02 anna konda
15 4:23 quaaludes

Im not a nu-metal hater, although i dont listen to any of that crap, lol. Korn does show in this release a small attempt at inovation, But nothing pushing beond what you would expect.
Some of the tracks, as an example: fo shizzle sounds a little like nins would if trent was hit by a bus.

The music blends well, that said, its in mho that all the tracks sound alike.

One track stood out, if thats possable, inja, which was alright, but it speaks a sound not unlike disturbed.

Most of all of the tracks start out with a shitty bass line and then a pick scratch. oh lord What else can i say about this CD.

My ears are bleading, and im going to but on some opeth to clean my soul.
Dont buy this CD unless your retarted, or worse canadian. :)

According to SimpleMP3's the Korn album has the following tracks:

Korn - Untouchables
01 - From Your Heart
02 - Chasing Me
03 - Full Of Sorrow
04 - Tear Me Down
05 - In Place
06 - I Want To Be Gone
07 - Here To Stay
08 - Falling Through Time
09 - All My Hate
10 - Leave This Place
11 - Corners Of My Mind
12 - Help Me Stay Alive
13 - Make It Go Away
14 - Everything That I Could Find

A little different...and the track names sound more genuine and Korn like.
I much prefer Opeth thank Korn though, otherwise I wouldnt be here.
WHO gives a fuck? what have you expected, for some progressive music from fucking Korn? well let me tell you that Korn is a sell out pop music exactly like Backstreet Boys or whatever, they just put some distortion instead of back vocals...

I'm not coming here and posting reviews on Backstreet's new album because it doesn't belong here, so why are you posting here review on Korn's new album?

damn, I didn't meant it to sound so aggressive :), just ignore the "F" words :D
Why exactly should I, being the blubber eating Canadian I am, buy said shitty cd? Is there something special in the disc that will remind me of home (my igloo no doubt)??? Being Canadian is worse than being "retarted?" Is that some kind of decadent pastry? Or do you mean retarDed? In that case, my ears are also bleeding.........or bleading. Damn me and my perverted Canadian spelling. Based on this review, i have no choice but to buy this album. Except I'll still have to wait ten years until Canada gets electricity to hear it:( Well, i'm sure it will be worth the wait. . .

Originally posted by angel_dust_2002

According to SimpleMP3's the Korn album has the following tracks:

Korn - Untouchables
01 - From Your Heart
02 - Chasing Me
03 - Full Of Sorrow
04 - Tear Me Down
05 - In Place
06 - I Want To Be Gone
07 - Here To Stay
08 - Falling Through Time
09 - All My Hate
10 - Leave This Place
11 - Corners Of My Mind
12 - Help Me Stay Alive
13 - Make It Go Away
14 - Everything That I Could Find

A little different...and the track names sound more genuine and Korn like.
I much prefer Opeth thank Korn though, otherwise I wouldnt be here.

Wow, can those song titles sound any more teen angsty? :lol:
Originally posted by O'blivion
Why exactly should I, being the blubber eating Canadian I am, buy said shitty cd? Is there something special in the disc that will remind me of home (my igloo no doubt)??? Being Canadian is worse than being "retarted?" Is that some kind of decadent pastry? Or do you mean retarDed? In that case, my ears are also bleeding.........or bleading. Damn me and my perverted Canadian spelling. Based on this review, i have no choice but to buy this album. Except I'll still have to wait ten years until Canada gets electricity to hear it:( Well, i'm sure it will be worth the wait. . .


Canadians speak english!?
holy shit! :)
I've only heard one song: Here To Stay

...and I like the sound of it, and I like the song. Why should music listening be based on technical merit, or comparing it to other bands? I put the song in a vacuum and listened - and it sounded good to me.
Metalman is right. You guys i think are a bit blinded and l33t. it doesn't HAVE to be crazy compucated to be good. I haven't heard the CD, maybe it sucks, but give it a chance and try not to let your ego tell you how TERRIBLE it is before you give it a serious listen. You can't go "Korn? I HATE THEM THE ARE HORRID. oh well, i will give the retarded stupid heads a listen, even though i hate them. (PS they are smelly pooheads)" because there is no way even if you hear something good will you ever appreciate it. It is all in perspective.
I liked one Korn song...Freak on a Leash I think it's called. Other than that I haven't liked anything I've heard of theirs.

Btw, I lived in Canada for 2 years, eh, does that mean I have to buy this CD, eh? Is Korn a gradge band? Will the CD come in a baig, eh? I'll take it home, sit done on my chesterfield, and listen to it with my hoser friends, eh. Then'll I go oat and aboat listening to it in my hoser car, eh.
O come on you 2 are just wasting everyone's time. I followed korn since 94 and listened quite a few times back then. They had the elements there but it was just simple, aggresive stuff ( nothing bad ) with a very annoying image. So i let it go. The years go by and the image noticeable infected their music, nowdays its specially made to make it more appealing to bigger crowds, a lot of the aggresivity they shown on songs like blind or shoots and ladders its now completly lost and is all just cheesy nu-metal. Even for Korn standarts they have done nothing but get worst and worst and words, if they played like they did back in 94 honestly i would mind them as much as i mind any black metal band they had about the same talent and about the same image crap. But unlike blackmetal who walks away from image and explores more into music as time passes, korn does exactly the oppossite, it seems to me that to them its more important to choose a sports brand to get their clothing patrocinated and to keep those 7th promo deals with ibañez than to actually make the aggressive yet annoying stuff they once made.

Korn has done nothing but take their mistakes and exploit them even more to attrack bigger crowds who are suceptible to image ( namely teens ). I doubt that listening to their new stuff would prove me otherwise but unless someone tells me they actually are going back to basics i wont even try to.
Anything you've heard, other than Here To Stay, is a bunch of bullshit.

And who are you, Baphomet, to be recieving 'advanced copies'? Just wondering......
Originally posted by Misanthrope
O come on you 2 are just wasting everyone's time. I followed korn since 94 and listened quite a few times back then. They had the elements there but it was just simple, aggresive stuff ( nothing bad ) with a very annoying image. So i let it go. The years go by and the image noticeable infected their music, nowdays its specially made to make it more appealing to bigger crowds, a lot of the aggresivity they shown on songs like blind or shoots and ladders its now completly lost and is all just cheesy nu-metal. Even for Korn standarts they have done nothing but get worst and worst and words, if they played like they did back in 94 honestly i would mind them as much as i mind any black metal band they had about the same talent and about the same image crap. But unlike blackmetal who walks away from image and explores more into music as time passes, korn does exactly the oppossite, it seems to me that to them its more important to choose a sports brand to get their clothing patrocinated and to keep those 7th promo deals with ibañez than to actually make the aggressive yet annoying stuff they once made.

Korn has done nothing but take their mistakes and exploit them even more to attrack bigger crowds who are suceptible to image ( namely teens ). I doubt that listening to their new stuff would prove me otherwise but unless someone tells me they actually are going back to basics i wont even try to.
Yep there are many underground metal bands who do the same thing, they strive to get the most fame and recognition and money from this underground crowd that they can possibly get and their songs are affected as such. The only difference is that they grew up in the metal industry and view that as 'the best' and want to get as much money from that as possible.

You see most bands wont change their sound to get money. Many bands will however let specific elements of their sound come through if its more likely to get money. Metal bands do the same, because they are too scared to be knocked or lose fans from a change in style (just some metal bands, and the same people who knock nu-metal probably listen to some these bands as well).

As you've probably found out, its very hard to judge your own music.. pretty much everyone relies on other peoples feedback and comments to determine what they are doing wrong and such, whether they are achieving what they set out to achieve. So many people get into a mindset where they write songs and continually ask whether people are going to like it or not. They are still writing the songs though, the difference is they will scrap what they think wont be liked, the strive isnt for money, they just want to release music that people will like... And sooo many people think its about money, which it isnt at the songwriting stage..the strive for money only comes into it after the songs are written and recorded, then they start doing the shallow money money money advertising and whatever. Its an afterthought i believe - "Im gonna write some good songs and people will love them... and hopefully ill get a bit of money from it as well". There is money issues in there but its not all about money as people claim.

Its like Metallica.. the black album and such are still metallica, its jsut only a portion of metallica that was expected to be more liked.

The primary mistake is thinking that "more fans = better music" which is an idea that everyone grows up with... some escape it and realise better forms/genres of music will always have less fans, (but the better bands within those genres will generally have the most fans.)... others continue to try and make the best music they can, under the illusion that money/fame are a good measure of the quality of their music. But they still want to make good music and as such will make music which they themselves enjoy, and respect.. and that they feel is worthy of releasing.

But none of that matters from a listening point of view. If you liek something then you like it, regardless of the ambitions and aims of the musician.
Originally posted by O'blivion
Why exactly should I, being the blubber eating Canadian I am, buy said shitty cd? Is there something special in the disc that will remind me of home (my igloo no doubt)??? Being Canadian is worse than being "retarted?" Is that some kind of decadent pastry? Or do you mean retarDed? In that case, my ears are also bleeding.........or bleading. Damn me and my perverted Canadian spelling. Based on this review, i have no choice but to buy this album. Except I'll still have to wait ten years until Canada gets electricity to hear it:( Well, i'm sure it will be worth the wait. . .


YES me son .... we out 'er in newfieland got to get ar fish sold so we out 'er can get dat dar electricity dem mainland folk been talkin' bout fer da last 5 ta 10 yer's I spose .....

Not bad for a young fellar eh ... all hooked up wit one of dese tings er la...

If you guys only knew .. anyway what the fuck are you talkin about ... you fuckin rednecks from down dar in da states ....must hold back the hickness ....but....can't ahhhhhh:) :D ;) :confused: :loco: :loco: :s :devil: :Smokedev:
Nar boat don dar by :rolleyes: