Korn - Untouchables

we could easily beat San Jose. The only way Sharks could have a chance is if Ricci gets a haircut to so his hair wont block is view. Man that guy was ugly and to think he was once an Av.
*bows head in shame*
Hahahahahaha... dying outta laughter here...
Ricci once was an Av´s, but he got traded, not only for the hair-do is my guess, hahaha...

Fucken Av´s rule the NHL. We´ll see what happens with Roy now that hes talking about quitting..... Aebischer is NOT a substitute.
Lord K... I liked you until I saw this KORN review... heh... oh well, at least you're smart enough to play Jacksons. heh

Ricci is one of the best defensive fowards in the league. There isn't a team in the NHL that wouldn't JUMP to get him.
Nolan is signed for next year... :p

Not with the team...

Jotun... the Avs could easily beat SJ?

Is that why SJ took them to 7 games this season?

Face it, the Avs are on the downward spiral, while the Sharks are up and coming... Next year should definitely be interesting though.
Fuck it, atleast we play Jacksons, there´s no way we can moch eachother for long, hahaha....

Thoguh this coversation is by far one of the better on the forum.
The reason why the Av´s waitied until game 7 is becoz seven games makes more money for the teams, you know that already.
The season is far from getting started and you speculate in the finals NOW?

Sharks won´t even make the playoff´s as far as meeting the Av´s, so I guess that sums it up.
This season the Avs won 1 more game than the Sharks... weren't they President's trophy winners a year or three back?

SJ has improved for the past 6 seasons in a row... has Colorado? Bwaahahaha! No.

Avs will get knocked out of the first round, and Patrick Bwah will be crying...
Unforunately I´m not sure Roy will be there for the next season as there have been rumours about him retiring.
If I´m not completely wrong, the Av´s were President Trophy winners this year as well.
And the Lord is never wrong, even if I´m wrong, I´m right.

I just can´t see them being kicked out in the first round. That´s just a silly statement to get a rise out of me, but I´m too old to fall for that fucker, hahahaha....
Uh... No. The Wings were Presidents tropy winners this year by large margin...

Detriot had like 120 points... both SJ and the Avs had 99.
Originally posted by Devy_Metal
someone has to say it, so ill be the first: Korn sucks

This isn't really true, but they're vastly toddleresque. They have a huge amount of potential that just isn't tapped. Instead, jonathon whines and cries his way into an absurb cartoon cliché. He didn't get much attention from his parents? Okay, learn THEIR interests. Sexual Abuse by his elders and peers? Traumatic and not fun, but the Catharsis should have concluded a long time ago. Fashion and Celebrity not everything you think it should be? Fine, write NEW rules, don't fall into Drugs and lazyness.

There is a lot more to be said about Korn, bugt I don't care enough to say it.

BTW, notice myu now playing, it totally suits bands like Korn
If you like industrial rap this is for you.
I feel sorry for anyone who is stupid enough to buy this and still hasn't learned their lesson from the other albums. Korn is just an emotionless PRODUCT that rappers put out so stupid people can feed their rich fantasies.
This music is made because it sells end of story. If you are a part of the masses and like other people to think for you, then by all means buy it. Im sure field-dawg needs a new car and more expenisve basses he can't play. As an independent thinker i reccommend you not buy this pile of steaming horse shit!

KORN : Gay people bringing Gay "music" to the masses of gays...

And yes im homophobic ...so fuck you