Krankenstien or Revolution?


Sep 2, 2008
Miami, Fl
I've made up my mind to buy a krank next month but i wanted a little advice from you guys first. What are the main differences between the krankenstien and the revolution? Tonal and functionality. I'm buying this both for recording and for extensive gigging and touring. I was pretty set on the revolution but as far as I can tell the main difference in the krankenstien is a master volume knob, although i could be way off. Can anyone help shed some light on this?
Well it seems like the master on the stien just kinda sucks some of the tone out. And the cleans on the rev is pure tits (check out the clip on the krank website) so it's looking more and more like the Rev for me. I'd love to try them both but sam ash (ew) only has the stien in stock.
You seriously have to go and try them for yourself side by side if possible. I tried both of them through Mesa and Krank Cabs side by side and they are worlds apart. You probably know the story that Dime wanted more of a solid-state sound, blah, blah, blah. Well the main difference I found is that the 'stein has more sizzle and seems to have less punch/body (to me it really does sound more like a SS amp than a Tube amp, in the room at least, under the mic I have no experience). When you stand in front of the cab with the Rev you can feel the hit (similar to the 6505). The 'stein didn't seem to deliver the same punch. I have also tried a different 'stein head in case the one I tried wasn't quite right but got the same impression. Having said that YOU might prefer the 'stein tone. I also think the Rev is more versatile.

They were/are MY impressions of the differences. Yours may differ. Different strokes for different folks. After all I had read I was initially going in to buy the 'stein and walked out with the Rev.

Here's a clip of the clean channel into Mesa OS mic'd with a 57. That is raw, no eq, etc...
Damn I'm seriously loving that clean channel, thanks for the clip. I'm definitely going to have to try to find a store that has both in stock somewhere in the area to try them out although based on your description it sounds like im still very much leaning towards the Rev. Got any raw tracks of the dist channel(with a TS maybe)? Most of the clips i seem to be finding tend to have quite a nasty fizz problem. Although from what i've read the new "+" models have somewhat fixed that and the tone Andy got on As I Lay Dying's Shadows Are Security album is pretty far from most of the other clips i've heard.