Kreator and Destruction In NY


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
Kreator/Destruction/Cephalic Carnage/December & more @ L'amour, Brooklyn

First time in almost 10 years that I've made the trek to L'amour, and last night, it almost felt like I was making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Kreator and Destruction? Holy shit, I think the 12 year old inside me took over sometime around the 3rd subway transfer to get there. Right off the bat, there was one big disappointment... no chain mail spotted. Dammit. Spikey gauntlets, check. Studded leather, check. Enough hair to clog NY harbor, check.

Of the 8 or so opening acts, there were only 3 that did much for me. First was Exit to Eternity, straight up death metal, nothing terribly exiting, but they closed their set with a solid rendition of Death's "Overactive Imagination". December was more of a grindcore act that took me a few songs to get into, but I was diggin' them by the end of their set.

Cephalic Carnage was, at that point in the night, definitely the highlight. Extreme grindcore. Blazing fast drummer. And, what was either a tribute to or a mockery of black metal, they put on some masks for one one brutal song, with standard issue black metal style face paint. Kinda funny, yet entertaining nonetheless. I'd see those guys again.

Destruction fucking ripped. Full leather studded outfits, well rehersed/played old school thrash. Just as I remember it sounded.The place went berserk. The kind of show where you HAVE to full on head-bang just to defend yourself from the hair whipping your face from the people around you. They played what seemed like a very long set, maybe 12 or more songs. I can't think of a song I wanted to hear going in that they didn't play. The only complaint I have is their arena style "encore" theatrics. You know, saying this is our last one 3 or 4 times and walking off-stage after each time. The long set was quite welcome though. It was well after 1 am by the time Kreator went on, and the crowd had seemingly spent most of their energy during the Destruction set. As lethargic as it seemed, the headbanging and slamming continued. They played material from all over thier catalog, and didn't disappoint one bit. Details hazy from this point in the night, so I'll stop there.

Brief editorial - This was the type of show that reaffirmed my faith in \m/. No, I'm not talking about the haphazzard use of \m/ that seems to go on around here with disturbing frequency. True \m/. Evil. Dark. Metal. What \m/ was meant to be. Not a description for your favorite beer. Or your dog. Or some "feel-good party rock" band. The end.
It was a good gig - although I was disappointed that Kreator came on at 2am after such an exhausting build up. I could have done without December (who were the worst of the night IMO), and brought Kreator on earlier for more stage time - especially since they were playing so much from Violent Revolution, which, in my mind, is their best and most 'intelligent' album.

Cephallic Carnage were the surprise highlight without a doubt. I'd see them again easy.
Sounded like an awesome show. My buddy went to it and told me he had to keep his head from exploding and it was like being plugged into an outlet. I didn't get to go to the Jersey show although I would have liked to. I already had Dream Theater tickets for the night after. Hopefully ill get to see Destruction and Kreator someday.