Kreator - Hordes of Chaos


Aug 1, 2002
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Received the promo this past weekend. Definitely a step forward for the band. I really enjoyed their last album (Enemy of God), and the same has been going for this one. Great job by whoever produced it btw!

Highly recommended!

And the title-track has everything to become a Kreator anthem!!
Can't wait to get my hands on this! Love Kreator, Coma of Souls is one of my all time favorite albums by anyone!
Very excited as well. Enemy of God was a revival for this band. Endorama and Violent Revolution were....meh. Enemy of God isn't as raw as Pleasure to Kill or Coma of Souls but is still utterly destructive in the same way as Destruction's Antichrist. So I can't wait to hear new material that is just as hard hitting as their previous output.
I have never really gotten into Kreator, just heard a song here and there, but my buddy got a promo if it and let me borrow it, and I like it a lot. I have never been much a fan of thrashier vocals like theirs, but I am starting to warm up to them finally.
Received the promo this past weekend. Definitely a step forward for the band. I really enjoyed their last album (Enemy of God), and the same has been going for this one. Great job by whoever produced it btw!

Highly recommended!

And the title-track has everything to become a Kreator anthem!!

Sorry, I can't listen to this, it's not metal...:lol:
That being said their new one sounds awesome as well...Didn;t Andy Sneap produce this as well

Nope, Sneap had nothing to do with this album which as far as I'm concerned is a good thing. I'm a big fan of some of the stuff Sneap has done but I don't want that typical Sneap sound on a new Kreator album. When Sneap does an album, you know it was him, and sometimes that isn't a good thing.
Violent Revolution was meh???/ u nuts..That was their best cd in i don;t know how long..Classic return to their sound........Great songs and killer riffs....

That being said their new one sounds awesome as well...Didn;t Andy Sneap produce this as well
VR and EoG are about equal IMHO. Meaning they both fucking rip.

I agree that Violent Revolution was a return to a more classic thrash sound (which is not to say it sounds exactly like their 1980's material), and along with Enemy Of God are very good albums. But for me, Endorama is still their best disc. I know that's tantamount to blasphemy to some old-school die-hards, but there you have it. :)
Wouldn't be so sure, he usually is.
Oh come on, I like plenty of stuff. I just don't like shitty bands and don't mind saying so. Kreator is a really great band, this will probably be a good album. Milton had me listen to the title track and it was really awesome save for the breakdown in the middle, but that didn't really detract from the song overall. And the lyrics are pretty bad haha... but we expect that from Kreator so once again, it doesn't detract :lol:
I agree that Violent Revolution was a return to a more classic thrash sound, and along with Enemy Of God are very good albums. But for me, Endorama is still their best disc. I know that's tantamount to blasphemy to some old-school die-hards, but there you have it. :)
It certainly is blasphemy, but kudos for being steadfast in your opinion :kickass:
I've only heard it once all the way through but I liked what I heard a lot

Can't wait to see them in Atlanta in May with Warbringer and Belphegor :)