Kreator - Hordes of Chaos

Fellow thrash heads I beg you to pick up the newly remastered version of Deliverance's Weapons of Our Warfare. You can puchase if from CD Baby. This is an old overlooked classic in my opinion and I think most of you will dig it to no end. :kickass:

Have you bought the remaster for this yet? I just about picked it up the other day.


I did and I am not sold on ROb Dukes vocals on this. Musically it sounds great but Dukes can;t replace Baloff's vocals :mad:
I did and I am not sold on ROb Dukes vocals on this. Musically it sounds great but Dukes can;t replace Baloff's vocals :mad:

I didn't realize it was a re-recording of the material. I thought it was simply a remastered version with new artwork.

I did like the re-recordings of Testaments material on their compilation, but it would've sucked without Chuck Billy on vox. Bands shouldn't re-record matieral with different lead singers in my opinion.

I didn't realize it was a re-recording of the material. I thought it was simply a remastered version with new artwork.

I did like the re-recordings of Testaments material on their compilation, but it would've sucked without Chuck Billy on vox. Bands shouldn't re-record matieral with different lead singers in my opinion.

Hence why it has a completely different name to the album, Let There Be Blood instead of Bonded By Blood. Now they did remaster Pleasures of the Flesh and kept the original vocals, which in my opinion is what they should have done on Bonded By Blood. Why desecrate a thrash classic by
taking off Baloff's vocals and replacing them with the new singer's vocals that suck. :ill:
I didn't realize it was a re-recording of the material. I thought it was simply a remastered version with new artwork.

I did like the re-recordings of Testaments material on their compilation, but it would've sucked without Chuck Billy on vox. Bands shouldn't re-record matieral with different lead singers in my opinion.


You do realize there was a track on that Testament re-recording with Zetro right? ;)
Just curious, was Endorama the first Kreator material you ever heard?

No. Why do you ask? Are you working on the theory that the first album people hear by a band is often their favorite? That's not true for me (though it does seem to be for some people).
So after a few spins i'm still a bit underwhelmed. Not a bad disc, don't get me wrong, but i was hoping for a bit more. There are some parts that border on metalcore/hardcore breakdowns (and are luckily saved due only to Mille's vocals) which is not unheard of in thrash by any means, but it still just is not what i want to hear in 2008 (or 2009). Good thing they're not trying to please me. And don't start saying "OMG KREATOR ISN'T METALCORE"... i didn't say that.

The album has some choice songs. Closer Demon Prince is pretty awesome, everything but the chorus of Amok Run is pretty awesome, and there are also some killer parts of other songs. I fully expect this to grow on me more, just as Enemy of God did when i first got it (loved the first half, slowly realized the second half was FAR superior). I just am not blown away by it. But i'm still listening to it, which means i'm expecting SOMETHING to come of it.

And again since it appears i've gained myself a bit of a reputation :)lol:) this isn't a negative post. I think I enjoy the album, and I will certainly buy the cd when it comes out, probably the LP too, but it just didn't hit me like it seems to have hit Milton and a few others here. Still, thanks for bringing it to my attention brother, I'll be thrashing to this for a good while now!
There are some parts that border on metalcore/hardcore breakdowns (and are luckily saved due only to Mille's vocals) which is not unheard of in thrash by any means, but it still just is not what i want to hear in 2008 (or 2009). Good thing they're not trying to please me. And don't start saying "OMG KREATOR ISN'T METALCORE"... i didn't say that.

I've almost come to the conclusion that producers are at fault for making things sound this way. Do you agree with this?
