KRUCIBLE live at MADFEST re-broadcast TONIGHT


The Nightmare Has Begun..
Hey Thunderheads....get a pre sample of my newest project live at our very first set ever at MADFEST......TONIGHT.....After only two days of practice together streamed live from the event, you'll hear it all in it's actual live
splendor, every nuance, every great moment, every mistake lol.

KWTF is rebroadcasting the KRUCIBLE set this evening, so check it out at
6pm by going to their website

and loging on, don't be afraid to join the fun there and chat with other crazy
music fans about the broadcast and your other favorite musical topic.

KRUCIBLE will be recording this fall for a new release to be available
in mid 2008. But for now, hear the lo-fi version and see if it's something your into.

Rage on!
Lance King