Kurt Ballou, Godcity Studios


May 24, 2009
Hey Fellas,
is there anybody interested to talk about productions from Kurt Ballou, Godcity Studios. I love his productions, bands like The Hope Conspiracy, Lewd Acts etc.
I like the rawness of his sound and still seeking for that guitare/bass sound like he does on the last Hope Conspiracy EP. Check it out, its awesome!!!

Maybe there is a block or something else for what Im looking for?!
Kurt Ballou sometimes posts on Gearslutz, maybe you could try to post over there or search some of his old posts. I believe his username is godcity
I have one album of him in my collection, it's the album No Heroes from Converge (which he plays guitar and produced it) It's one of the meanest sounding productions i ever heard and i totally love it.
Dude is probably one of my biggest influences right know engineering wise :)

I love the new Rise & Fall and Converge record, also Cave In - Jupiter is insane, and Death knows your name is also a great record he did.

There is allmost nothing that i don't dig that he did, and it also has a different vibe to it everytime, which i think is also due to the fact that he really doesn't force himself upon the band in the "producer" kinda way, he adds his sound but its not a "signature" sound in the way Andy allways has for example.
Kurt is the man. The Disfear album is one of my favorites from him. Huge sound and makes me want to destroy things. It makes me want to form a grind/d-beat band.


I really liked Misery Index "Traitors" and I'm looking forward to the new Converge disc "Axe to Fall" which I think comes out sometime this month.
My brother's ex-band did a 5 song EP with him maybe 8 years ago, live tracked everything in 1 day then went back for vocals the next weekend. For kids with shitty solid state Crate amps and a beat to hell Mapex drumkit, it sounded amazingly good. They said he's a real quiet guy, just sits back and listens to the band and then does his mixing. They had played a few shows with Converge so he was already familiar with how they sounded, which helped him out I'm sure.
Kurt is the shit, Jane Doe is one of the best sounding records of all time
Jane Doe gets double win points for having a brilliant overall production that fits the music so well, and having fucking amazing music in the first place.
If Jane Doe was just the title track on repeat for 45 minutes it would be worth getting.