kylähullut- turpa täynnä


yea, im a member
Jun 20, 2004
austin, texas
hey, i recently picked up the turpa täynnä cd by kylähullut. its an awesome album, and its great that the lyrics are in finnish, but i would like to know what they are saying for once, lol. if it wouldnt be too much trouble for someone to translate them, or point me in the direction of a page that has them already translated, that would be much appreciated. thanks!
I can show you the title tracks translated into English for that album...

1) go to

2) search for Kylähullut (band search field is in left frame)

3) click on the album (bottom half of Kylähullut's metal-archives page), in the notes/info portion you will see the track titles in English.

Kylähullut did have their lyrics in English on their official site ( at one point, but they're not there anymore... ;\

edit: fuck why didn't I just copy-paste the damn things... AHHH