.l6t.....how to look at them...


Jan 10, 2005
I have a bunch of .l6t files that I have no idea what program opens them. I remember using a program like two months ago that would open them when my friend was sending his to me, but I deleted it and I honestly can't remember what the program was. Went to Line6's site and all i could find was GuitarPort, and they wanted money for it so hell no. l6t is a Line6 Tone file btw, lets you see your patches. Yep.

what? someone wanted money for their software product? the hell you say!!!

what is this world coming to that someone should want to be compensated for their work, ingenuity, research and development, and time?? next thing you know their gonna wanna recoupe their production and marketing costs.... dirty bastards, screw them.

software and music is meant to be free right? :err:

wake up and smell reality kids.... it's called econmics.. get with it or we won't have any more cool music or software left.
006 said:
I have a bunch of .l6t files that I have no idea what program opens them. I remember using a program like two months ago that would open them when my friend was sending his to me, but I deleted it and I honestly can't remember what the program was. Went to Line6's site and all i could find was GuitarPort, and they wanted money for it so hell no. l6t is a Line6 Tone file btw, lets you see your patches. Yep.

*.l6t files open with Line 6 Edit.

Download it 'free of charge' :)D) from:


James, my good sir, I don't know why you are fired up... all 006 basically wanted to know was with what program one could view *.l6t files. :)
Nitronium Blood said:
http://software.line6.com/?submit=Show&name=Line+6+EditJames, my good sir, I don't know why you are fired up... all 006 basically wanted to know was with what program one could view *.l6t files. :)
der, uh, ya think?... lol.. clearly i was refering to his other comment... and it's interesting that you interpret that i was "fired up"... could you see me or hear me as i wrote that post?... i guess i didn't leave my webcam on again or you would have seen that i wasn't "fired up" at all. i did have a chuckle though, and made a good point as well i think... though maybe not one that was all that relevant to the thread. bad james.
James...I only said the whole "they want money for it" thing because I had that Line 6 Edit program before, and thought it was called Guitar Port. It looks similar. So I meant that in a "I-got-it-for-free-before-,-but-now-it-costs-money-?" way, lol. Dude, I totally pay people for their work. I bought my Waves plugs, even though they were rediculous. I have paid for every audio/video production program/plug-in that I have. I'm all 'bout-it 'bout-it when it comes to paying people for their work. Anyway, no time to talk, I got some SWEET patches. Latah.
