LA show is 21+ I got fucked!

alot of times when shows say 21+ you can still get in anyway... sometimes they change it the day of the show and stuff, normaly they stamp your hand or something so they knoe not to serve you beer and stuff... so if you hold out you might luck out... or you can just sneak in....
They usually let me in at 18+ rockbars, and I'm 17. Then again I'm very big for my age. Do you look young? Perhaps you could borrowe your brothers or elder friends ID, I dunno.
Shitty.. Once at the Dismember gig in Rochester my friend forgot to bring ID and it was only an 18+ show and he couldnt get in.. he was 20 at the time too. That was at the Penny Arcade, and they were fucking pricks all the time.. so I guess it depends on the venue, have you been to shows there before? 21 and over shows are shitty for the bands, because a lot of the people that do go to the shows are under 21..
ive never been to the house of blues but i know the key club (21+ on certain nights) doesnt care. maybe i can get through... anyone familiar with the house of blues?
crap!!!!! my sister, a rock/metal/goth club frequenter in the 80's says house of blues is way corporate and wont allow 21- people in at all, theyre really strict. :(
there is a huge gap between


and then they continue north. if i had the ability, i would totally drive to san fran, but thats pretty doubtful for me...(though remoteley possible)

Does anybody think they might stop in san diego, or anywhere in california south of san fran, for that matter?