Oct 5, 2003
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I thought it was a good show, very large crowd. I thought for that many people the audience was pretty lethargic. Though maybe that was just where I was standing on the floor. Just didn't seem that loud. Though the huge stage looked impressive. They performed well. I guess I just don't like the huge indoor arena shows as much as venues like Irvine Meadows etc.

None the less good show I thought
We got there early and managed to get right up front on Dave & Adrian's side. Wow..never been that close for a Maiden show before. We had a good group of myself & Dar, Archmagian and his couple buddies, a couple other Maiden board friends, and a couple other of my friends. Then about halfway through the show, Aja and her kids show up. :kickass:


Bruce, Jan & Dave


The new SiT Eddie on stage
Eddie was GIGANTIC.

I'm not a big fan of the indoor shows either. I think that may be why the Powerslave pyro didn't work on Bruce's entrance.

Plus, the forum security were arseholes. I'm asking one security guy how to get to my loge seats and he points me to the guy checking tickets. That pissed me off. Oh, and don't get me started about the traffic-control idiots.

Having said all that, the boys were great!! Run to the Hills and NOTB were better than normal. The audience on my side was pretty jumpy and happy to be there.

I was happy to see that there was an event shirt with the show's date :) I giggled like a school-girl.

I can't wait for the shows at Irvine.
We got there early and managed to get right up front on Dave & Adrian's side. Wow..never been that close for a Maiden show before. We had a good group of myself & Dar, Archmagian and his couple buddies, a couple other Maiden board friends, and a couple other of my friends. Then about halfway through the show, Aja and her kids show up. :kickass:
You guys lucked out ~ what a great view! :) I was hoping to see you guys there but I accidentally left my cell phone at home and couldn't send or get any messages. Oh well...poor planning. Ran into Dennis, Jeff Milne, and Red Shirt though. :)
That was a great show...Ran into Mark and Chris, got to see a few songs from stuck in the middle of the floor, then managed to get by the annoying moshers and ended up a few rows from the barrier about half way through the set.:kickass:
We got there early and managed to get right up front on Dave & Adrian's side. Wow..never been that close for a Maiden show before. We had a good group of myself & Dar, Archmagian and his couple buddies, a couple other Maiden board friends, and a couple other of my friends. Then about halfway through the show, Aja and her kids show up. :kickass:
You guys lucked out ~ what a great view! :) I was hoping to see you guys there but I accidentally left my cell phone at home and couldn't send or get any messages. Oh well...poor planning. Ran into Dennis, Jeff Milne, and Red Shirt though. :)
Show was a blast, but man it was brutal. I got there early as well. I ended up dead nut center next to the rail (only one person in front of me). Those guys on the rail would not budge and the crowd behind me was fighting to get in just as much as I was. I paid for it too. I'm still sore (just my chest) from being crushed in there during the show. Man it was tight and super hot. By the end I was soaked and dehydrated. People were dropping left and right, several were pulled over the rail, many over my head. As much as I love the front, I spent way more time fighting the crowd than enjoying the show. Still was a bitchen show tho. From others comments, sounds like it was better to be either a little back or slightly off center. It was cool to run into the iron ladies after the gig. Pretty funny small world story Archmagician!
It KICKED ASS!!!!! The floor up front was crazy. After 6 or 7 songs I headed out and enjoyed the show from the side... which was really cool too as I could see everything going on on stage and not just what was right in front.
Show was a blast, but man it was brutal. I got there early as well. I ended up dead nut center next to the rail (only one person in front of me). Those guys on the rail would not budge and the crowd behind me was fighting to get in just as much as I was. I paid for it too. I'm still sore (just my chest) from being crushed in there during the show. Man it was tight and super hot. By the end I was soaked and dehydrated. People were dropping left and right, several were pulled over the rail, many over my head. As much as I love the front, I spent way more time fighting the crowd than enjoying the show. Still was a bitchen show tho. From others comments, sounds like it was better to be either a little back or slightly off center. It was cool to run into the iron ladies after the gig. Pretty funny small world story Archmagician!

First of all....sorry I haven't posted in so long.

Second...Red Shirt, I think you and I spent a couple hours squished together, and didn't know it. I was DEAD CENTER on the rail. In fact, I was the first person in the building that night. Did you spend all night behind a short heavy guy with a shaven bald head, who fought like a mother and kept his spot all night on the rail? I went home with a 4 inch wide bruise all the way across my chest as a result, but it was worth it.

Not sure how anyone could call that a lethargic crowd. The push was so strong, that the barrier bent and buckled a little. It moved forward about 4-6 inches in the middle! Freaked me out good, and security, too!

It WAS a phenominal night. Even having been at Earl's Court in London, which was incredible, the push on the floor in LA was stronger. Both fantastic crowds...comparison only made to make the point that the audience was not lethargic. Watching the youtube videos also proves that the crowd were singing quite loud to everything.

Saw Aja and Linda after the show, and had a nice brief chat with them both. Sorry you didn't have such a good night Linda :(. I really hope you can make up for it in Irvine.

The girls need to do a warmup show for that one too! :kickass:
First of all....sorry I haven't posted in so long.

Second...Red Shirt, I think you and I spent a couple hours squished together, and didn't know it. I was DEAD CENTER on the rail. In fact, I was the first person in the building that night. Did you spend all night behind a short heavy guy with a shaven bald head, who fought like a mother and kept his spot all night on the rail? I went home with a 4 inch wide bruise all the way across my chest as a result, but it was worth it.

Not sure how anyone could call that a lethargic crowd. The push was so strong, that the barrier bent and buckled a little. It moved forward about 4-6 inches in the middle! Freaked me out good, and security, too!

It WAS a phenominal night. Even having been at Earl's Court in London, which was incredible, the push on the floor in LA was stronger. Both fantastic crowds...comparison only made to make the point that the audience was not lethargic. Watching the youtube videos also proves that the crowd were singing quite loud to everything.

Saw Aja and Linda after the show, and had a nice brief chat with them both. Sorry you didn't have such a good night Linda :(. I really hope you can make up for it in Irvine.

The girls need to do a warmup show for that one too! :kickass:

Hey Khan, the person in front of me had a beanie cap on, was that you? That's so narly that the barrier bent and moved forward! OMG!! Well that explains why my ribs are bent!! :ill:
Hey Khan, the person in front of me had a beanie cap on, was that you? That's so narly that the barrier bent and moved forward! OMG!! Well that explains why my ribs are bent!! :ill:

No...the guy with the beanie on, was 2 people to my right. I forget his name, sadly.