

Senior Fuckers
Dec 9, 2005
In Italy
Hi guys, I'm in search of a label for my band Erosion, can you give me some address and advice?
Thnaks a lot!
It's really hard to play a lot of shows here in my town, and for me it's hard to find little labels that support underground metal music.
Then don't look for small ones....but if you must, then go to your CD collection and look at the bands that aren't "big" and see which lables they are on.
Having said that, would you want to be on a lable that doesn't push or ditribute well?
So far as I know, a label of any size generally is of course interesed in the music a band creates, but what really impresses them is if the band have been able to achieve a decent level of success and gain a good, solid following on their own. Then a label can look at you and conclude things like "Well, these guys are dedicated and serious, they write awesome stuff, and they've proven to us that they are the type of band who can gain and KEEP fans". I think a label needs to see all of those things before they would even think about signing someone, because ultimately labels are more concerned about money than the music. I know that sounds kind of lame, but if you think about it, the label is really just a company that can't even exist unless it's posting profits. The ideal situation for a label I think, is when they have a band they really genuinely like and believe in, who also brings the label money. Then they're covering the business needs and can then spend more time caring about the music.
Like everyone else has said: labels make their money from BANDS - therefore, they want to hear as many bands as possible so they can find the ones that will shift lots of units. It's not like they hide their contact information from you.

Hi there,

greetings from Hannover, it's my first post in this great forum - I shall try to do my best...

First of all you should think about the following aspects:

1) Why do you want to be signed? - Is it for advertisment, money for your next record-production, distribution...? Do you want contact to other kinds of companies like booking-agencies, publishers, merchandisers or managements?

Knowing what you expect from a deal is essential! Not every contract is good - and some so called labels are just a bunch of a... :puke:

2) What is your concept? - What are your strengths and weaknesses? Music, lyrics, photos, liveshows, artwork, logos, etc. The more you get your unique band-identity into a straight kind of "product" - the better for a record-company. This does not mean, that you have to enact - you should just be abled to articulate an exact idea of what you are (as a band) - and who you'll attract (as a fan).

3) What are you willing to spend for your musical career? Your money, time, health, family, dog...? Don't take it to serious - but an interestet company may ask you this question - and you'd better know an answer!

4) It's not just you, wanting something from a label - it's allways the other way round, too. Make them know that you will be a PARTNER who is seriously working on a career.

5) Play every single live-show you get! Everywhere!!! Get in contact with every other band and fan you learn to know! Talk to people! Give them something to listen to! :headbang:

We could spend miles of postings on each of these points. But I hope it helps for a start up.

Cheers, up the irons,
5) Play every single live-show you get! Everywhere!!! Get in contact with every other band and fan you learn to know! Talk to people! Give them something to listen to!

+1....dont limit yourself and your band to just your town.
and make sure all the members of the band are riding the same direction that you are. it only takes one member to jack up a deal.
labels want a band that will do their end of the deal

which is tour on your own, write your own music, get it recorded, and perform it well

sell your self, sell the label...

no label is going to sign a band that has only played shows in their home town, because anyone can go to guitar center, buy instruments, write songs, and perform them at home

they want to see you offer entertainment to a large audience on your own, before they invest a shit load of money into you in hopes of generating buzz and getting sales

put your self in their shoes... there is competition, does your material have what it takes to be out there and sell? will it keep doing that, for more than a year?
so true...i saw an emocore band go from one show that they opened for a signed touring act... get asked to play the next town...then the label signed the band. just because they had a good following and they were willing to drop everything and go on tour with the other band.
5) Play every single live-show you get! Everywhere!!!

+1....dont limit yourself and your band to just your town.

Dudes, no disrespect, but I feel I have to chime in on this one. If I'm allowed to get a bit metaphorical; imagine if the main issue was "I would like to get into a serious relationship and eventually get married", and you got answers like "Date every girl you can find, ages 12-80. Come to think of it, I don't think age really matters. In fact, guys are OK too."

To me it's about the same thing. You should be selective. Never ever EVER play without getting paid, or at least get your expenses covered. All of them, including food and beer (if you drink). I don't mean you should aim TOO high of course, be realistic. But remember, if you're selling yourself too cheap initially, it will be almost impossible to get up from the bottom.

I'd write more, but I'm too tired. Good luck. :)

edit: I don't mean it's just about the money, it was just an example. Sometimes it makes sense to say no even if you get paid... and vice versa. If you get the chance to open for major bands, it's strategically a smart move to do it for free, or even pay for it. Just filter out the dead ends, and you will be fine.
I have a very interesting take on this which i may or may not explain in the next few days basically going against every piece of advice here.:lol:
Yes, I think that in this moment we will records some new stuff, more professional stuff, becouse I think that in this moment we are not a professional band.
And fot the next year we try to move our asses in Europe...
Guys give me your opinion about my band ( don't have fear to give me bad comments ), this is our myspace:

Thanks again