LABYRINTH Singer Roberto Tiranti Leaves Band

That stinks. He is the very sound of Labyrinth, what with Olaf having been in and out over the years.....

What are the Vegas odds on the new singer?

1 - Fabio returns (almost a given at this point)
2 - Michele Luppi
3 - Anyone else......
Return to Heaven Denied was and still is the pinnacle of what Euro power metal could be. It was the benchmark and the standard set in the genre. Roberto was, for me anyway, about 70 percent of what made that album so special. I really haven't liked anything they've done since.

This might be the perfect time for Michelle Luppi to slide into that slot.
That stinks. He is the very sound of Labyrinth, what with Olaf having been in and out over the years.....

What are the Vegas odds on the new singer?

1 - Fabio returns (almost a given at this point)
2 - Michele Luppi
3 - Anyone else......

Marco Sandron is currently unemployed after leaving Eden's Curse. He's be pretty good too
What are the Vegas odds on the new singer?

1 - Fabio returns (almost a given at this point)
Honestly, I hope it's not Fabio, and not just because I'm burnt out on his voice. Vision Divine and Labyrinth are already similar enough, we don't need the same person fronting both bands.

Edited due to brainfart.
Was just having this discussion on Facebook, here are my thoughts:

If you put Fabio back in front of the band, it'll start to sound like everything else that Fabio has done, and I don't think the band's creativity would survive going back to him.

And Luppi? I love him as a singer, but the latest Secret Sphere album was a Luppi album, not a Secret Sphere release. He kind of took over the sound with his very signature, layered approach. I don't think Labyrinth would survive that either.

People have mentioned Morby (from Domine) as a hopeful. Sandron is great, but I don't know if I think he's got a voice that'd mesh terrifically well with Labyrinth's sound.

I definitely don't find Labyrinth and VD too similar. Both have had very distinct phases, but I can understand mixing one up with the other, especially if you're not intimately acquainted with both (not that I'm saying you are).
If you put Fabio back in front of the band, it'll start to sound like everything else that Fabio has done, and I don't think the band's creativity would survive going back to him.

And Luppi? I love him as a singer, but the latest Secret Sphere album was a Luppi album, not a Secret Sphere release. He kind of took over the sound with his very signature, layered approach. I don't think Labyrinth would survive that either.

Agreed completely on both counts. I always found Ray Alder to have a similar style to his singing, but that wouldn't happen in a million years.
That's too bad. Return to Heaven Denied will forever be a classic, a shining beacon in a sea of bad Italian power metal bands and vocalists.
What a disappointment. I love Tiranti's voice, and I think that Labyrinth has been a consistently strong band since "Return to Heaven Denied," despite the cries from others that they haven't released anything good since then. I was starting to wonder what's been going on with these guys, as it's already been four years since they released their last album. I agree with those who are against the idea of Fabio coming back to the band. If he were to come back, then Vision Divine might as well call it a day. Morby was very briefly in the band when Tiranti took a leave of absence before the recordings of "Sons of Thunder," and I didn't think he was a proper fit then. As for Luppi, I don't think he's looking to work with Olaf again anytime soon. I do like the suggestion of Marco Sandron, though. If anyone could handle this band's vast and varied catalog, it's him.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I'm sad to hear this, but it's certainly been coming for a long time. Tiranti has always seemed to have been more interested in hard rock than metal, and Labyrinth isn't going to be what he seemed to want it to be as long as Olaf is around.

Fabio is the obvious choice to replace him, but of course, he's very busy and might not be able to squeeze it into his schedule. I tend to doubt that Luppi would be interested since his last working relationship with Olaf ended somewhat unceremoniously, but I think he'd be a great choice. I've really come to appreciate his work in recent years, and I think Portrait of a Dying Heart is terrific.

I wouldn't be surprised to see them bring back Morby, as Domine seems to be largely inactive. It should also be noted that before he gave Tiranti the Labyrinth gig in 1997, Olaf offered it to Dan Keying (from Cydonia), but Keying turned it down. After Tiranti left, it was offered to Keying again and he turned it down again. He might be another candidate.
Olaf is a jerk and he's burnt one too many singers. It was the case with Luppi and same with Tiranti.

There's already too many bands fronted by Fabio so it's an absolute no.

I'll give Olaf one thing, he's really good at finding excellent singers and has put out some excellent discs with both Vision Divine and Labyrinth. He probably has a couple excellent albums left in him.

If you guys enjoy Tiranti's voice, you might want to try A Perfect Day which is one of his side projects. It's got a raw sound and solid melodies. I'd categorize it in the melodic metal genre. Definitely recommanded.
If you guys enjoy Tiranti's voice, you might want to try A Perfect Day which is one of his side projects. It's got a raw sound and solid melodies. I'd categorize it in the melodic metal genre. Definitely recommanded.

It's a continuation of the 6 Days to Nowhere style that seems to be pretty close to what Tiranti wants to be doing full time. It's solid.
I don't hate Mark Boals, but he didn't work with Royal Hunt's sound and I don't think he'll work with Labyrinth's either.

Justin had the right idea, Olaf Hayer's awesome and if anything, underused. Fabio Leone's great, but really? Rhapsody, Angra, Vision Divine, and for awhile Kamelot? the guy's already sung for a good portion of the best power metal bands in the industry.
I don't hate Mark Boals, but he didn't work with Royal Hunt's sound and I don't think he'll work with Labyrinth's either.

Justin had the right idea, Olaf Hayer's awesome and if anything, underused. Fabio Leone's great, but really? Rhapsody, Angra, Vision Divine, and for awhile Kamelot? the guy's already sung for a good portion of the best power metal bands in the industry.

Agreed on all points. I like Mark Boals, he just doesn't strike me as a good fit for Labyrinth...
Yup, I think Boals did really well in Iron Mask, but pretty much every other project I've heard him in has been underwhelming. I definitely feel he's a poor fit for Labyrinth. I feel like every band that has contracted Fabio and Boals the last few years has just been reaching for whatever they could get, and got the two most vocally promiscuous singers in the scene.