Lack of thrash in Poland


Metal Up Your Ass
Jun 5, 2004
hello all :)
(greets to HPOE - im here, couse he told me its worth :))

I want to write and complain, couse i think that we dont have any thrash metal partys... We have sometimes concerts like Exodus (10 days :D), or.... Testament one year ago, but come on.... its nothing if you compare it with Germany or Benelux countrys....

Why we cant have any festivals like TOTT, or Grasspop (Belgium)?

Many bands says that polish public is veery good at the concerts, and they would like to come to our country again...
thats truth that here is many metalheads... why they dont come to us more often?????

is this situation gonna change? :confused:

:yell: :P
Hopefully it will change, there are a lot of thrash fans in Poland, maybe we can create some Promotion company and organise a Thrash Metal Festival?? :Spin: ....
Krawczus said:
thats right... lets make sth!
dont wait... make it real :)
i guess its not easy shit and i have no idea how to start but...
we have to change it!

AMEN - but I guess it needs lot of funds... :cry: But WTF THRASH `TILL DEATH :Spin:
i have no idea how all this works...
but it has to work... somehow :P

maybe the solution is not make it from the very begining all alone, but talk with someone, who's in it, who can organize sth like that,
to show him that Poland is a country with many metalheads wants to thrash...
Good to see you here, Krawczus!
I'm still thinking of seeing Exodus, but I'd rather go and see TestAmenT in Czech Rep or Slovakia. However it's easier to get to Warsaw than abroad...
Do you happen to know how much are the tickets?

As for Thrash Fest- I'm all for it, but I can imagine organising something like this isn't very simple- takes a lot of time and money + you need to know the right people... I think it's not impossible to talk local (polish) bands into doing it, but I doubt we'd be able to get any legends to do it... or do you have any "connections" that I don't know of?? :)
Tickets for Exodus? ...60zł now, at the concert day a bit more... dont know exacly...

Thrash Fest... You've got more connections than me (i dont have them at all)...
There are 3 polish thrash metal band, which are not bad, but i was thinking about "legends"... Polish TOTT :D heh... i think we (norm. people) cant do it, but we may talk with somone who's able to talk with someone... etc... to show that there's need for sth like that... what do you think?
I don't know, man- there's always need for something like this...everywhere, I suppose. I don't know, honestly, but if the bands don't gather together for such gigs in the US almost at all, why would they want to do it here? (they won't get more money- only perhaps more people would attent the show). Sure, there's shitload of thrashers here and people would come, but it takes the bands to have the time and will to do it on one day. You'd have to talk to some local promoters first- in order to find a venue, funds etc.- not contact the bands directly. I think our job would only be confined to informing people (metalheads) here and abroad- "spreading the word", informing radio stations and newspapers, and eventually- seeking sponsors.
TOTT was a unique and one-time event, organised to raise funds in a good cause (of, course there's rumours about next edition, but I dare to suspect it wouldn't be the same- although I wish them all the best)- people united in a good cause- to support their friend- they did it for nothing, lots of them reunited- I don't think it can be repeated. I know you weren't serious about this one, but I think we can't even dream of a festival with half the line-up. We(?) could, of course, try to organise a festival in the vein of Wacken or Dynamo- but it would take long years of evolving from a local fest through a concert of the best Polish bands, a concert headlined by a foreign band of a medium class, then a more renowned band, then a legend, then a couple of legends and, finally, Thrash Fest.
we can always dream, of course...:)
very pessimistic, but Im afraid - true... well... maybe we will try to start make sth (named like "polish thrash fest" or "thrash fest"...), inviteing polish trashers... (like... Whorehouse, Totem... there was one more quite good, but I forgot theyr name at the moment ;) ) ...see is there need for stuff like that... Just for the beggining... I think that if we will gather group of polish thrash maniacs, who want to make sth (like you and me i quess), we may do sth in that purpose... Chose a city, then some club, then talk with the owner of the club, then help this guy talk with bands... I think it may work out... off course we have to put in it a lot of work ... and im afraid a bit money (like for trains or stuff like that..)