Lacuna Coil- Karmacode


Feb 2, 2002
The new Lacuna Coil CD fucking rules.
It's on sale at Best Buy for $8.99 so I suggest YOU go buy it right now!
In another thread, I rated :worship: Karmacode 9 out of 10, but after listening to it 3 more times since then, I know rate it 10 out of 10! :headbang:
I would've just gave it a 9.5, but the fact that it's only $8.99- now through this Sunday at Best Buy- Karmacode get's an extra 0.5 added for the best $8.99 you'll spend this year.
If you fucks don't believe me, check out the new video Our Truth (go here then click "Our Truth")
And check out buy Karmacode now!
Lacuna coil is really good, I first heard of them about 6 years ago or so. Thier first CD I had a friend burn for me (I forget the name of that album) and I still jam to it. Thanks for the info!
Oh Korn, what hath thee wrought...

I think Fear Factory are owed some fees for those guitar parts...

Meh. Too over-produced nu-metally for me.
ThraxDude said:
Do the math: Karmacode is 87 times better than the new Sepultura.
So far I disagree. But they are very different heavy metal records and saying one is better than the other is a matter of taste.
Drokk said:
So far I disagree. But they are very different heavy metal records and saying one is better than the other is a matter of taste.
True, but my opinion is alway right.
Lacuna is overrated, but I still catch every release and I have to say that this one is very good. They would be much better with just Christina on vocals, but that will never happen.
I just tried to watch the video you linked to, and all I get is some crappy advert for beer and a (bad) version of some Pussycat Dolls song.
WTF? I wanted to see the hot Scabbia babe! :(