Ladies and gents, I give you SHADOWS PAST - power metal from Stockholm, Sweden


Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
Time to promote some guys I know, namely SHADOWS PAST. This band was originally a one-man-project founded by Ola Halén (ex-INSANIA STOCKHOLM) back somewhere around 2000. He recorded a couple of full-length albums in his home studio before he got in touch with guitarist Jonatan Berg (ex-HEAVE), and a proper band started to form. After some line-up changes, the band has now stabilized and consists of

Ola Halén - vocals
Jonatan Berg - guitars
Patrik Berg - bass
Staffan Lindroth - keyboards
Olle Lindroth - drums

And yeah, before you ask: The Bergs are brothers, as are the Lindroths. They have recorded two more demos as a full band, namely Blown Away (2006) and Perfect Chapter (2009). These two demos mix new songs with reworkings of older material.

While it may be hard to say this with any kind of credibility, seeing as I know these guys rather well (was even the webmaster for INSANIA back in the day), I'd still urge you to check them out. Sure, the audio quality may not be the best (remember, these are demos), but what I think is so cool about these guys is still there: The melody and catchiness of straight up power metal (courtesy of Ola) mixed with some seriously progressive riffage courtesy of Jonatan.

The guys were in the studio recently to record a full-length together, but something happened, and due to time constraints the whole affair had to be scrapped for the time being. Sad, as I know the other guys have serious chops as well, having seen them live on more than a couple of occasions. I hope they'll get their stuff together soon and record that damn CD, though. In the meantime, check 'em out! (offical YouTube channel) (more live videos here)

Hey folks!

Nice thread;) I just wanted to inform that the recordings are going pretty good now! As was written earlier, we had some major problems, but we have started form scratch again and now the drums are recorded, almost all the rythm guitars and bass and also some keys and guitar solos. So if you're interested there will be some "diary-videos" on YT soon!

//Jonatan, Shadows Past
After Insanias last album release and european tour nothing really happened and I guess that's what happened...:loco:

But I know that when Ola and I started up Shadows Past again, Insania also had some kind of new-start. They took some older bandmembers back and did some gigs, but I don't think they've had any really serious plans lately. But who knows. Time will tell... !
Bumping this one to some shameless promotion for the offical video for the song "Wherever I Go", which has been out for a while now. The band has now finished recording, mixing and mastering their first full-length album called Perfect Chapter. Hopefully it will be out soon (as soon as they find a distributor). For more offical news, check their website at

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