Lady Gaga Cover

haha... its so fucking weird to me listening to other lady gaga Metalsongs...

A german radio had a papafuckzi-remixcontest and i tried it as well...
unfortunately i deleted the whole project out of my DAW cause i was so goddamn angry that i wasn`t able to get the tone i wanted...

The last "mixdown" i found was this one:

master -> desaster... i recorded all the guitars again for the final version and i didn't got a "real" bass at that time... not to mention my shitty mixingskills back then...

too bad i dont got a version which is closer to my final :(
the vocal compression (or maybe your master bus compression) is terrible

it's making a sharp short transient poke out, then a massive reduction in volume, then a quick rise
it sounds like shit

and the screaming is terrible
the vocal compression (or maybe your master bus compression) is terrible

it's making a sharp short transient poke out, then a massive reduction in volume, then a quick rise
it sounds like shit

and the screaming is terrible

Probably the vocal compression as I have nearly no master bus compression if I remember correctly.

As for the screaming, it was recorded with a 57 through his toneport, and he probably just gave one shot since I was doing this just for fun.

Thanks for saying something negative, I was wondering why I had none for a mix I did in 1 hour and ''mastered'' in 5 minutes.
Ok, now I will sound like a total nooooooobie but... did you isolate the original vocals from the song?

Guitar Hero-like game stems?

Please, please tell me!!!
Why all the metalheads are crazy about Lady Gaga??? :D

I personally find her hot (very very nice booty) and she has a something in her voice, I like how her voice sounds.
The songs are very catchy, admit it!!!
Every person that has heard that 'Raaaammmraaammm ullallaààà...' had it floating in the head for a while. I can't get it out from mine for instance.

Rrrraaaaammrraaaaam rraammmammmààààà....
I found the acapella on youtube, downloaded it with an extension I have and extracted the audio with VLC.

Now that I've said it, its probably the youtube compression you hate Joey.
I found the acapella on youtube, downloaded it with an extension I have and extracted the audio with VLC.

Now that I've said it, its probably the youtube compression you hate Joey.

i dont think youtube compression would do that to the vocals

i mean they are seriously butchered

its the same effect that you hear on "newbie" productions. they don't adjust the attack right, and the set the threshold way too low

so what happens is, there's a SUPER loud transient, then quiet sustain that gradually gets louder until the release time is met, then it happens again on the next wave form peak...

i've never heard streaming compression sound like that, so i dont think it's that.
i dont think youtube compression would do that to the vocals

i mean they are seriously butchered

its the same effect that you hear on "newbie" productions. they don't adjust the attack right, and the set the threshold way too low

so what happens is, there's a SUPER loud transient, then quiet sustain that gradually gets louder until the release time is met, then it happens again on the next wave form peak...

i've never heard streaming compression sound like that, so i dont think it's that.

I probably fucked it then haha, I'll try changing my settings.