Lady Gaga meets Behemoth and Meshuggah...


Jun 29, 2005
Esslingen, Germany
Just found this due to a link at the talkbass forum, really strange but I think it's cool:
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As far as I know the TD in our names has nothing to do with each other :D
I started using that name before I even knew who Andy Sneap was when I was 13
and it's the short form of a band name from my first band that actually never really existed,
without one song or something like that (yeah I know, this is not the "story behind your bandname thread).

I totally agree on the matched key thing, I think it would be really cool.
I am actually a bit ashamed that I "dig" some of the Lady Gaga tunes-I don't really listen to them
but the radio and tv is just full of it and you hear her songs everywhere.
Yes let's take two perfectly good songs from two awesome bands and mash them up with a terrible excuse for a song from a terrible excuse for a human being. Whomever is responsible for this should be tortured slowly. :flame: