Lake Bodom history

Actually I have also done a search on this before and found nothing... :(
if there are sites out there that have anything to do with it they are prolly all in Suomi
Yeah, it´s pretty much like bodomite said. There are some pages that include some detailed info on the murders, but they all are in finnish. And there are some discussion forums "dedicated" to only discuss about these murders and closely related stuff, but they also are in finnish. Sorry for you guys, I guess you´ll just have to start learning some of this odd language... :lol:
I saw just a few days ago a thread in finnish (on some board that i don't remember..) which had PISSLOADS of speculations and stuff about the murders, it was a pretty interesting but a very long read.
I´m always looking for it, but never had sucess :(

I think I´ll need some classes of Finnish :grin: , so maybe I can get things more interesting.

Where can I found these forums about the murders?!?