lamb of god and slayer

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
sorry, not a tour.

but is it just me or does lamb of god have a HUUUUGE slayer influence? i mean, listen to the song "purified". if that song isnt slayer worship, i dont know what is.

opinions? comments?
Well, when Lamb of God opened for Slayer at the Astoria in London earlier this year, it went something like this:

[Randy Blythe] Who's here to see Slayer?
[Crowd Roars]
[Randy Blythe] Yeah, us too.

So yeah, Slayer worship is probably the correct term.
If you ask me, lamb of god perform the best slayer impression of any band out there! I think they are one of the best bands out there, and its music that any one can enjoy! Devin did a horrible job producing at the palaces burn, the drums in the title track sound like plastic bottles! Not quite in the bob rock league, but still pretty bad...ah well at least devy doesnt fuck much!

I can also hear a strong pantera and meshuggah influence in their sound, some parts of their songs I find very "chaosphere" esque!

and of course pantera influences crop up in a lot of bands, I can hear some anselmo in randalls vocals definetly!
Psychonaut said:
They have influences but I think The Haunted's One Kill Wonder was more Slayer worship than anything I have heard in years.
Yes, but the album is fuckin great.
Lamb of God has a couple awesome releases under their belt too.
I hope it does wind up being a tour.

I'm tired of every Slayer tour being: Shitty band noone's heard of, god band not TOO many people have heard of(In Flames, Arch Enemy), shitty band everyone's heard of(Soulfly, Hatebreed), and then Slayer.