Lamb Of God Frontman On Lack Of Innovation In Music And “Djent”

I like the Name Djent, at least to have a lingual reference to a new style of progmetal, we could also call it "New Wave of Polyrhytmic BritMerican Progressive Wierd Chord Voicing Metal" but you get the hint...

And with Innovation its more or less the same, few innovate, many copy, bad, but i can thouroughly enjoy what the innovating socal Djent-Bands have done until now. Of course like in metalcore a lot of bandwaggoning copycatbands may "ruin" the genere for a lot of people by pumping out watered down versions of the above mentioned, but this does not take away from the great music created.
Still don't get the hate on sub-genre naming, to a certain extent it's pretty helpful in summising a what a band sounds like.
I might also add that the dude appeared in a documentary specifically about Thrash metal...... a sub-genre.

The extent to which people do it, and hold themselves to it on the other hand.... :bah:

I’m REALLY tired of the same old shit being constantly rehashed, ect.


I like him, but seriously, get off your high horse.....
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i agree with him.

how many times am i going to see something along the lines of this:

"******* are a Progressive/Ambient/Tech metal band who are heavily influenced by groovy rhythms, polymetric timings, epic ambiences and low tuned guitars to create a unique atmosphere."

not saying its necessarily bad, but its not original or unique in the slightest.
I was just pointing out that Lamb of God are hardly the most original band, so I don't understand how he can call everyone out on something that he is just as guilty of....
I don't really care for any of the genres he mentioned but this just sounds like an old man rant. The one criticism I definitely agree with is “Cantplayinreallifebutcanonacomputer-core.” There are way too many "bands" with ridiculous Tomas Haake drum parts that you know will never happen, but honestly most of them are kids and never exist off the computer.
I don't really care for any of the genres he mentioned but this just sounds like an old man rant. The one criticism I definitely agree with is “Cantplayinreallifebutcanonacomputer-core.” There are way too many "bands" with ridiculous Tomas Haake drum parts that you know will never happen, but honestly most of them are kids and never exist off the computer.

Agree totally.
He could get a lot more mileage posting on internet forums and not only be able to complain about music but also about the other annoying people on the forums :lol: Maybe he's got high blood pressure.

Checked out the Twitter link and it seems he had some fun with the various retorts. Starting to like this guy even more.
His argument would definitely have more merit if he wasn't a fucking hypocrite.
I agree with Egan, just a stupid fucking old man rant at best except for the “Cantplayinreallifebutcanonacomputer-core." part.
Clearly this guy is a fuckin' moron. Grade A, top choice douche canoe. Allow me to demonstrate:

If we took away all the sub-genre labels, then put the following bands into the one pool, then played a festival: Opeth, Metallica, Periphery, Testament, Linkin Park -- patrons would shit a fuckin' BRICK. Two-tonne monster clay, no less. Is that heavy metal? Death metal? Nu-faggo-metal? Thrash? These labels *need* to exist to differentiate the type of sound a band makes. Not everyone likes the sound of a gate being slammed, a power chord with 10 second delay and whiny, daddy-rape vocals ala LP.

If we took the following bands and put them on the one bill: Periphery, TesseracT, Meshuggah, Textures, Skyharbor, Chimp Spanner -- people would shit an even bigger brick and say "Fuck yeah, djent bill of the year!".

What have we learned today? Dude is a dirty, butt-hurt whinger because nobody is buying his CDs; doesn't like being labelled because that's too conformist; probably enjoys dildos.

That's all for now. :yuk:
I'm down with the 'lack of innovation' stuff, but don't really see why someone would get their panties in a twist over genres. The term 'djent' helps classify a particular aesthetic within metal, quite successfully, so why the beef? I'm down with not calling Meshuggah a djent band though. That'd just be insulting to them.

He seems to somehow think that semantics are related to lack of innovation and forward progress. No, that's just complacency. Labels are there to help identify the band's aesthetic. I'd much rather one band who sound like Testament call themselves 'Thrash' and another band who sound like Periphery call themselves 'Djent' rather than both bands calling themselves 'heavy fucking metal!'.
Clearly this guy is a fuckin' moron. Grade A, top choice douche canoe. Allow me to demonstrate:

If we took away all the sub-genre labels, then put the following bands into the one pool, then played a festival: Opeth, Metallica, Periphery, Testament, Linkin Park -- patrons would shit a fuckin' BRICK. Two-tonne monster clay, no less. Is that heavy metal? Death metal? Nu-faggo-metal? Thrash? These labels *need* to exist to differentiate the type of sound a band makes. Not everyone likes the sound of a gate being slammed, a power chord with 10 second delay and whiny, daddy-rape vocals ala LP.

If we took the following bands and put them on the one bill: Periphery, TesseracT, Meshuggah, Textures, Skyharbor, Chimp Spanner -- people would shit an even bigger brick and say "Fuck yeah, djent bill of the year!".

What have we learned today? Dude is a dirty, butt-hurt whinger because nobody is buying his CDs; doesn't like being labelled because that's too conformist; probably enjoys dildos.

That's all for now. :yuk:

Despite the 'whine' factor, I highly doubt it's a butthurt rant about not selling albums... Lamb of god have been lucky to be a part of some super prestigious tours, oodles of press and media and a massive support... I don't think butt hurt cuts it here man :p
:lol: Wrath got to number 2 on the billboard charts

Maybe the guy just needs a drink
LoG used to be my favorite band. Still listen to them occasionally, but the bit about rehashing other bands material and whatnot.....Ashes of the Wake is full of their own recycled riffs. Sacrament and Wrath as well.....

Props though, to these guys. They "made it"......