Lamb Of God Frontman On Lack Of Innovation In Music And “Djent”

Meshuggah is definitely not a djent band.

On another note, the first time I heard LOG I dubbed them Slaypultera. Take that for what it's worth on the originality front.
Meshuggah is definitely not a djent band.

On another note, the first time I heard LOG I dubbed them Slaypultera. Take that for what it's worth on the originality front.

The way I see it - LoG sort of kept the torch of those styles burning. Sure, they were influenced by those bands....everyone has influences, but it wasn't like they hopped on some trendwagon. 10 years ago we didn't have so much shit coming out in the 'meta/death-core' region and not everyone was drop tuned and chugga chugga "bree bree"ing all over the place.
Couldn't give a fuck. Whinge all you want, subgenres aren't gonna go away. I don't like neo-classical but i'm not gonna whinge about it.

So Lamb of God haven't really succombed to any sub-genres of heavy metal as such... what do you want? a medal?
Lamb of God suck, but I agree that djent also sucks, and I hate the programmed drum/bass/guitar generation. IDGAF if you don't have mics/money/good equipment, don't record then.
The way I see it - LoG sort of kept the torch of those styles burning. Sure, they were influenced by those bands....everyone has influences, but it wasn't like they hopped on some trendwagon. 10 years ago we didn't have so much shit coming out in the 'meta/death-core' region and not everyone was drop tuned and chugga chugga "bree bree"ing all over the place.

That's your youth showing Bryan. I assure you there was plenty of terrible garbage ten years ago.
To your point, "Keeping the torch burning" and being "a trendwagon band" are two sides of the same coin; It's simply a matter of whether you feel it's good or bad music.
Everything in modern culture is so derivative & referential. People’s HUMOR consists of one liners from other tv & people lives “#winning”

Totally agree with him there... people derailing conversations with pop culture or "nerd" references isn't funny to me, and it's fucking annoying. Maybe I'm getting old.
If we took away all the sub-genre labels, then put the following bands into the one pool, then played a festival: Opeth, Metallica, Periphery, Testament, Linkin Park -- patrons would shit a fuckin' BRICK.

If we took the following bands and put them on the one bill: Periphery, TesseracT, Meshuggah, Textures, Skyharbor, Chimp Spanner -- people would shit an even bigger brick and say "Fuck yeah, djent bill of the year!".

What have we learned today?

That we have very different taste in music, since I would so much rather go see the first set of bands.


I don't know about any one else, but has anyone noticed the lack of skill in singers with new bands lately? My brother was showing some shit he likes (he is into the above genre) and I all I could say was "holly shit that singing is horrible."

But somehow this has become ok, and even popular?
I'm just sick of the lack of originality in heavy music these days.. it seems like theres usually a set of bands that everybody is trying to copy at the moment... for this reason i barely even listen to metal anymore i need to inspire my creativity with other genres.

Maybe all genres loose originality if you've listened to them all your life?
To be honest every time I hear the words: Djent, 8 string, axe-fx,, superior, drop f, bare knuckle, etc in the same paragraph, I feel a little sick to my stomach. A similar set of phrases that erk me are: dance/techno/dubstep-core, slate, pod farm, autotune, drop a, "sick breakdown dude", "you can just autotune that", emmure, attack attack, etc

I guess I'm just a genre racist? But people are asking for it. It's really not hard to make some music but people these days just want to rip off a tried and true formula. There shouldn't be genres just FULL of bands that all sound the same. There should just be bands that sound different. "Djent" is WAY too specific a genre if you ask me....sorry but if you call yourself Djent your basically just admitting you base your band on ripping off Meshuggah and Periphery. When genres start getting too specific it means that kids are now just ripping off a way too specific cookie cutter formula. Come on. Crabcore? Djent? It's practically like saying "Drop F 8 string metal with clean interludes, digital guitar amps, screamed/sung vocals, and polyrhthmic or syncopated drumming"

I stand by everything that dude said, he is dead on.
At any given time in my life there have been a handful of innovative bands and thousands that are less successful (musically) in the same genre.
There have also always been genres and bands that IMO are terrible. None of this is new. It's just easy to forget everything but the good stuff. Quick, name 15 thrash bands. Guess what? There were like 100k of them.
At any given time in my life there have been a handful of innovative bands and thousands that are less successful (musically) in the same genre.
There have also always been genres and bands that IMO are terrible. None of this is new. It's just easy to forget everything but the good stuff. Quick, name 15 thrash bands. Guess what? There were like 100k of them.

Agreed, it's been going on forever but that doesn't make it any less stupid. It still irritates me that there are entire forums of pretentious assholes that just ride Misha and Kieth Merrow's cocks. The trend just changes about every 5 years, but there is always one, and it is always super annoying and over saturated.
Not gonna bother reading his rants because as has been pointed out already - He's in no position to criticize bands on lack of innovation.

Not true...criticism is open for anybody. You don't need to flash your credentials before you can be unhappy with the state of things.