Lamb Of God Frontman On Lack Of Innovation In Music And “Djent”

Classifications are incredibly necessary. I mean, if bands didn't label themselves "Djent", I wouldn't know to not listen to them.


I dunno. On one hand it's nice that the internet has allowed us to sort of be more readily 'in touch' with the "celebs" (ha!), as opposed to waiting for a magazine interview, but on the other hand it has made them more exposed and their opinions just fly out of nowhere. I'd rather not know to be honest.

Old man rant indeed, but some good points in there for sure. You can't stop people being over-classified, it's going to happen, as it sort of seems to be a trend unto itself. But I think maybe what he's trying to say is that you shouldn't pigeon hole yourself before you've even started. The sub-sub-sub-categories create bland little niches and I suppose people feel the need to fit the criteria to "get in there" rather than writing what's really in their heart.
Dunno about all that djent business, I like the grooves. Hell, I even like dubstep, that shit is great when I'm at work and I don't want to listen to anyone. I'm for people getting off their asses (and computers, goddamn it) to go play. Where's the soul in any of it?
For Gods' scrotum! Stop calling METAL to 'things' that are not METAL at all.

METAL is way of life, an attitude, passion, power, balls, leather, denim, spikes, satan, chains, tits, beer, smell of armpit, swords, dragons, bikes, bitches...

METAL IS NOT some kids playing distorted guitars and screaming like an impaled racoon.

Here is a tutorial

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For Gods' scrotum! Stop calling METAL to 'things' that are not METAL at all.

METAL is way of life, an attitude, passion, power, balls, leather, denim, spikes, satan, chains, tits, beer, smell of armpit, swords, dragons, bikes, bitches...

METAL IS NOT some kids playing distorted guitars and screaming like an impaled racoon.

Here is a tutorial

Nice post. Would read again.
METAL IS NOT some kids playing distorted guitars and screaming like an impaled racoon.


Sorry Jevo, but I think you're insulting the awesomeness of the racoon.

Also, if someone not familiar with Heavy Metal would tell me that Halford sounds like an impaled racoon too...well, I dunno if I would disagree entirely ;)


*amazing how many racoon pics there are on the net lol*
Meshuggah is definitely not a djent band.

On another note, the first time I heard LOG I dubbed them Slaypultera. Take that for what it's worth on the originality front.

I like doing that with bands. I had a song called (at demo stage) Texturement because it sounded like Textures and Testament. I also had another one dubbed Megary-Deathnals due to it sharing sounding like a cross between Megadeth and Misery Signals.

Still waiting for someone to form a progressive death metal band fronted by a big black woman so I can call them Into-Eternitina-Turner though...