Lame corporate bonding exercises

I have to do inservices all the bloody time. They take nurses of the ward and leave the others short with no replacement so we can watch some lame ass video. These videos are of things we should be doing anyway.Half the bloody time the videos are full of wrong shit. All because of part of the funding that the health system gets is on conditions that there are regular staff training...mind you the videos and stupid packages that have to be done are sent by the government. The reality is they should spend the training money on sending us to proper courses.The health system would benefit so much more from that. Rather than the lame ass crap the government does now.
We never did any "corporate bonding" where I used to work.... most of the time if me and a couple of the guys got bored (usually when the system was down, which was often), we'd end up chucking a ball between our desks (we sat on opposite sides of the office) made up of paper, sticky tape and glue.

Yes, I had a very, very boring job!
The last company I worked at, they had a 'cleaning day' where people - if their managers so desired it - could wear jeans to work, the idea being they would clean their departments and store rooms. Not all departments did it of course, but those that did thought that wearing jeans to work was just SO COOL!!! But were afraid that because others weren't doing it that they might get into trouble...

Quite sad.
I don't have a job, but the place where I "volunteer" decided to have a lunch for International Volunteers Day back in 2001. One of the paid staff then decided that attendance was fucking compulsory :mad:. What a waste of a Sunday afternoon when I'd rather have been on here arguing with all you lot.