Lamest Quotes

Uhm, I am with Luminous on this one. While Manson may not seem all there he is far from being moronic and he is actually rather intelligent.
There may be a brain up there but as I said any of his "God of Fuck" and "anti christ" ramblings are balls. I'm sure I once read or heard a quote just before he released the "Golden Age of Grotesque" where he said something along the lines of "The whole anti christ image....." Image, that's all it is.
Fuck Manson who cares about him :p

Tho I actually LIKE Slipknot, a lot of their quotes are stupid... for example:
"We are a blanket of hope for our kids" - Corey Taylor
........................What The Fuck?............................
well, back on the manson thing:
i dont like his music. i dont believe he is conveying any intelligent / important msg (for the most part) to anyone. i just think he is there to entertain and sell records and he is doing well (not that that says anything, but hes probably happy with what hes doing)

as far as his intelligence is concerned, i dont really know - in bowling for columbine, i thought he carried himself well - in particular when he said, instead of telling those kids what to do, he would have listened to what they had to say (in response to what he would say to them if they were still here).

his intelligence to me is a mystery ... i dont know. its hard to see past his act. i think its probably the same for the rest of you.

as for the actual topic: LOL @ the slipknot quote about being metal kings. and i also think the guy with the quotes in the sig are pretty good.

biggest ass clown for quotes is definitely lars though haha. :)
The only two quotes I can think of off the top of my head are attributed to Ex-Flotsem and Jetsem/Metallica/Echo Brain/Ozzy bassist Mr. Newsted:

"Yeah, we sell out. We sell out **clap** every seat in the house." VH1 Behind the Music (It's the clap that gets me)


"This album is very listenable." A local radio station interview about S&M (I don't know why, but this statement is just...dumb.)
Back to Manson.

I think he's very intelligent. He managed to single-handedly revive the PMRC with the release of one album. He frightened so many people by doing almost nothing. I honestly believe that. Although I strongly disagree with his views, and I don't really like his music, I will credit him for being a genius.

There's loads of musical prodigies out there who no one knows. Manson's not one of them. He can't play an instrument, he can't sing, and he can't scream/growl. He's worthless as a musician. Yet somehow he's one of the more successful ones of the past decade. It's not all stupidity of people. He did something right.
Here's a couple:

"Thrash Metal implies lack of arrangement, lack of ability, lack of songwriting, lack of any form of intelligence"
-- Lars Ulrich, 1984

"It's not about money any more. It's about egos; I wanna go out there and be the biggest band in the world and sell more records than anybody else. And I'm not gonna compromise that for anything."
-- Lars Ulrich, 1992
"With life, there is pain and still more pain..." -GEORGE FOREMAN

just wondering, is he taking about his grill sales being in the pits? :lol:

ALso, Manson DID in fact do something right, but not with his intelligence. Not many highly publicized bands with lyrics/music such as his were mainstream at that time. Manson came out EXACTLY at the right time --- When nobody had done or said the things he did and was so overly publicized for it. Manson was such a unique character at the time that he was almost always under the eyes of the camera and the media. His explosion into those two categories are what won him his fame and what gained his somewhat considerably misled anti-conformity and anti-everything followers and supporters. He may have had a little shred of intelligence in knowing when to break out into mainstream media or that could have been his band advisor or supervisor at the time relaying him that info.

In fact, if you can remember back when, MTV has had their eyes on him ever since he stepped into the studio as an audience member before his band was big. He was even pulled up on nat'l tv on some episode with Carson Daly to tell something related to the show, but he made a 10-second plug on air about his band Marilyn Manson. That was before the eye, the constant pale skin, and basically what we see him as now, so some of his 'breaking out' credit does go to MTV and we all know MTV strongly influences media today.

I have however seen Manson's work on the Resident Evil Soundtrack by working out OST scores for the movie. Those were actually pretty killer I thought, so I respect him somewhat as an arranger and I think his songs could have been a whole lot better if he had put more time and thought into them. So I do respect Manson there a little, but nothing more.
oh and here, I found a few things about Manson's "Anti-Christian" image from a really intelligent person who puts up a strong argument. From the site mentioned above in one of my posts:

In the public’s eye Christians have been interpreted as "good" or "saintly." I will not get into such arguments as to validity of such statements, but generally Christians are considered good, god-fearing people. So what is the best way to get attention? Why, just tear down things people believe in. That’ll offend enough people that everyone will pay attention to you and then INSTEANT IMMORTALITY as the "antichrist." That’s all his anti-Christian statements are: a gimmick to sell records. Let’s think about this for a moment…
Manson releases antichrist Superstar to a gullible public and sells MILLIONS of records because, hell, it says ANTICHRIST on it, and what idiot wouldn’t want to look all scary and evil? With his newfound stardom he says something to the effect of "I’m tired of debating about Christianity" (RayGun 1994) and "Mechanical Animals is more about my feelings" (RayGun again and again in Rolling stone, both 1994). So he made an album about his feelings. Oh look, the public seems to dislike it. It sells not even HALF as many copies as antichrist, and those who DO buy it give it poor reviews (1/5 ISBN, 55% RayGun, 41% Columbia house). So no one wants to hear about his feelings. Thus it comes as little surprise that his next CD is taking on the anti-Christian feelings of antichrist again. After all, it is his bestseller, and he is trying to make money.

The entire anti-Christian argument is a waste of time, though. Manson seems to be brainwashing children into believing Christianity is "evil" or "wrong" by pointing out the most obvious arguments that have been said thousands of times before. But I guess he uses a media platform to make those arguments a lot louder. One argument that really cracks me up is in his 1993 interview with ISBN he claims Christianity is contrary to people’s basic human nature, but that’s only looking at it one way. Christianity, or any monothieic religion, however is indigenous to mankind’s spiritual lack; some people need religion, thus it IS our natural instinct to follow one. But as long as saying Christians deny our inalienable tendencies, then its evil. Of course the alternative would be for humans to act upon their most basic tendencies which includes al the evils man is capable of, which would be chaos, but that’s TOO obvious, no?

So by complaining about Christians, what does he hope to accomplish? According to his 1996 ISBN interview he hopes that they will someday open their eyes and stop brainwashing the world. But by targeting a social group like he does he does not succeed in that, instead he simply says "this is wrong" and the idiots who follow him suddenly hate Christians a whole lot more. Which leaves the Christians to wonder why, after all, they were simply living their life in quiet worship just like any other religion.

still think Manson is intelligent? don't give me that stuff about "Well he does have a good scheme to make money" of course he does, that's what FINANCIAL ADVISORS and RECORD EXECS are for. They do the thinking for him so they can get the dough.