LaMour's in NY this Saturday

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Just a reminder, we'll be playing live this saturday at LaMours in Brooklyn, NY. Our set is about 45 minutes long, and shouldn't disappoint anyone. We play a bit of everything for this show.

You can get all the info on the gig here:

Saturday, February 22nd @ Lamours

Doomsday Fest

Novembers Doom with Divine Silence and Gray Skies Fallen and a few others!

Doors Open At 7:30 pm
$10 cover

Hope to see you there!
The funniest part about Otep playing next door to us that night, is that Willie is with them as a guitar tech, so I get to travel all the way to New York and still wind up being around my roommate lol

Hopefully their set will be done by the time we are getting ready to play. I'm gonna put that mofo to work tuning my geetars hahaha
Hey, Im Mike from Cyanide Breed. We are one of the bands playing with you guys on Saturday. We are all Novembers Doom fans, and we are definitely looking foward to opening up for you guys. If you fell like it, check out our website
Well, i guess we'll see you saturday.
Ill be there Paul. Hey John (DivineSilence1) its me Elliot, hey I told you I'd email when I saw you at Penn station the other day. Im just writing to tell you, Im gettin in for free, because I'm helping lug gear for my friends band "The New Mexikans". Hehe we always seem to run into eachother man, see all you guys there!
LOL!!!! Hey dude! You always seem to find me. LOL Speaking of The New Mexikans, I ran into them the same day I saw you on Valentines Day. I saw them at the Clutch show while I was passing out flyers for this show. Strange,eh? I'll see you at the show dude.