Laptop/Firepod/Alesis DM5 question


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Ok...I just want to know, since I just got a Firepod to slap my laptop with, if it would be a logical thing to be able to trigger all drums through a brain (i.e. Alesis DM5) and go into my computer via MIDI with it and have basically all my drums done and only have to worry about miking cymbals/etc.?

This would be assuming I spat the MIDI messages that were recorded through something like EZDrummer or something afterwards.

I am simply looking to get the biggest bang for buck right now, as there aren't too many bucks to be had for doing it any other way easier. My drummer is probably gonna pick up a DM5 soon, so thats why I was asking.
Right now, as we will probably use this setup to record some live stuff, it will most likely be (Vox/Gtr1/Gtr2/Bass/Kick/Snare/OH1/OH2) since there are only really 8 inputs. I understand a lot of this trouble could be bypassed by doing just drums first for 8 channels, and then doing guitars/bass/vox/etc afterwards, but you know....
it would be a logical thing to be able to trigger all drums through a brain (i.e. Alesis DM5) and go into my computer via MIDI with it
if i am reading that right and you're trying to get the sound of the dm5 into your cant do it through midi. you can only trigger the sounds and bring the sounds back into your pc via analog outs. the dm5 only has 4 outs, so yeah you would do kick out 1 snare out 2.
no...not brain sending sound via midi (I know that)...just sending midi notes so I can have them trigger samples afterwards. I was thinking as far as like triggering a 7 or 8 piece kit and having all the drums just trigger midi notes so I could have the whole kit "micd" with just using midi.
This is how I've recorded bands before already. A few using an electronic kit into a DM5, the DM5's MIDI out into my laptop via a USB adapter, then mic'ing the real cymbals. There is latency, but it's such a small amount you can leave it as is. Depending on certain things, I would sometimes select all the MIDI that was recorded and shift it back the 3ms it was behind. Or shift the OH tracks ahead...whatever I grabbed first.

The adapter I use is the Edirol UM1-ex MIDI->USB. Works very well and like I said almost no latency. Jeff mentioned it already, the DM5's inputs can be set to trigger certain notes, or rather send those notes. Easier than setting up a drum map for your brain. When I first hooked everything up the kick was triggering the ride in EZDrummer. Changed the note it triggered on the brain until I started hearing a kick drum. Done, and easy.

I used this method to trigger DFHS and EZDrummer with both an e-kit w/ real cymbals mic'ed, and also an acoustic set with triggers and stuffing the shells, still mic'ing the brass.

However now I've been sending the triggers straight to my MOTU using XLR cables and just recording the blips. Replacing them with samples using APTrigga...or sometimes if I can get away with it, EZDrummer/DFHS using KTDrumTrigger to get wav->midi and sending that MIDI to a track that has EZD/DFHS. Heh. This method works out a LOT better since I don't have to setup new thresholds and deal with cross-talking on each new kit like I did with the I just setup the triggers on the drums and hit record :)

This is how I've recorded bands before already. A few using an electronic kit into a DM5, the DM5's MIDI out into my laptop via a USB adapter, then mic'ing the real cymbals. There is latency, but it's such a small amount you can leave it as is. Depending on certain things, I would sometimes select all the MIDI that was recorded and shift it back the 3ms it was behind. Or shift the OH tracks ahead...whatever I grabbed first.

The adapter I use is the Edirol UM1-ex MIDI->USB. Works very well and like I said almost no latency. Jeff mentioned it already, the DM5's inputs can be set to trigger certain notes, or rather send those notes. Easier than setting up a drum map for your brain. When I first hooked everything up the kick was triggering the ride in EZDrummer. Changed the note it triggered on the brain until I started hearing a kick drum. Done, and easy.

I used this method to trigger DFHS and EZDrummer with both an e-kit w/ real cymbals mic'ed, and also an acoustic set with triggers and stuffing the shells, still mic'ing the brass.

However now I've been sending the triggers straight to my MOTU using XLR cables and just recording the blips. Replacing them with samples using APTrigga...or sometimes if I can get away with it, EZDrummer/DFHS using KTDrumTrigger to get wav->midi and sending that MIDI to a track that has EZD/DFHS. Heh. This method works out a LOT better since I don't have to setup new thresholds and deal with cross-talking on each new kit like I did with the I just setup the triggers on the drums and hit record :)
