Laptop Noise


New Metal Member
Feb 26, 2014
guys i recently got myself a sony vaio e series vpcea32en for music production cause i wanted to more mobile rig. I've been using desktop for recording for more than a year i have no issue with my desktop. when i plug my interface in my laptop with battery charging there's a lot of noise coming out from my interface (headphone and monitors output). I've read in the internet that its a grounding issues but most people who face grounding issues usually use 3 prong in their power supply but my power supply is only 2 prong so please help me. i know that a di box/ground loop isolator can fix the problem but i'm kinda bankrupt atm so please suggest some cheap ways to eliminate the noise. Thanks
I had to turn off all unnecessary devices like LAN, Wireless, Bluetooth and revert to a very basic display driver to stop the noise from my audio. The biggest culprit was the wireless.
I dealt with this exact problem a few months ago.
You have a ground loop. You need a ground loop isolator.
For my laptop (sony vaio) I have a cheap non official charger that works at a different frequency supposedly.
But my brothers HP laptop and original charger have no qualms. But anyway the HD400 (or whatever equivalent you may prefer) totally sorted it.
@Pman i've been thinking about checking some non official charger. HD400 looks good,but i'm a bit out of budget atm so will take a look at the charger first thanks
@Pman i've been thinking about checking some non official charger. HD400 looks good,but i'm a bit out of budget atm so will take a look at the charger first thanks

I meant to say the official HP charger works fine but the non official sony charger doesn't. But I cant say this is a rule for all chargers. I have never tried an official sony charger with my monitors/laptop setup but theres no guarantee it would remove the ground loop.
The HD400 isn't too expensive. I can't imagine a legit charger would be cheaper than it to be honest.
ok thanks will do check the charger first if not then i'll order ground loop isolator (maybe HD400) but the problem is that ground loop isolator (HD400) is not available in my country. will need to order it from foreign states