Large Hadron Collider

The good news is, if it opens up a mini-black hole, France will get sucked in a few seconds before we do. Hoorah!


Ever the Forward* thinker,

* yes, this is a Larry Niven pun
I think the Hadron collider had an unforseen effect on the world. This is actually an alternate reality, which has been made into reality. In the reality prior to this Pluto was still a planet, Michael Jackson was still black, and this was a forum for a pop music festival, and we were all pop music fans.


I like this reality better. :)
They're saying it could be a year before it's operating at full power.

A year?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!? Great, now we'll be on edge, never knowing if the world will spiral into a Hawking hole, for another year! :)