Laser Eye Surgery?

My wife had it done dude - she literally couldn't see two feet in front of her face without her glasses. Had the surgery, and has better than perfect vision now. It is a bit uncomfortable right after, but it's not too bad. After the first week or so you should be all set.

The only thing that somewhat sucks is you have to be REALLY careful for about a year. Nothing in contact with your eyes at all. At least, that's what her doctor told her.
I'm thinking about getting it done ... I have 10 buddies that have had it done and every one of them says it was the best money they spent. They all have perfect vision, no issues with anything. My wife actually works for a laser surgery place so knowing I would get a big discount is really pushing me in that direction.
I had a friend who did it here, in Portugal.He couldn't see shit, I believe it's the Lasik eye surgery or something like that? Anyway, he did that, and he had to spend 2 days at home without watching TV or looking at a monitor. After those two days, bam, perfect vision, no more glasses :)

I also know you can only do the surgery if your vision has stabilized and it's not progressively getting worse
My uncle has had it done, said it was the best money he'd ever spent and he was shocked how well he could see, like being young again :lol:

I've thought about it a few times, the idea of the procedure just freaks me out. But, when I think about it, and do research, TONS of people have had it done, very - VERY - few have had any complications, and most of those were very minor. Hmm...
i've been thinking of having this done as well...for those of you who have undergone it, a)how much did it cost, and b)did your insurance cover any of it?