Last 14 oct 2003 Milan Hypocrisy gig pics

the 4th dimension

..never return in my body
Take a look to my photos of 14 oct Milan Hypocrisy gig.
The quality is not good, but the lights effects is fantastic!
As soon as possible i will upload good quality photos with Lars, Michel, and Andreas, just after the show, just after some joints smke :) Gigs & meeting


PS: take a look also to bottom of page - supporters, there in my brother Carletto the little Hypofan than all, that in future i hope will form a genuine futuristic deathmetal band with Peter children :) and if want take also a look to my fantasitc land pics
Oh thanks, but all the merit is of nature and not mine! i just capture athmosperic moments released by mother nature, and i never have studied photographies tecnique or similar. Also i like all scandinavian lands, and in particular in future i want at all costs to travel and see Finland! However in any way, there aren't other italian place in which there are similar place. Only in my lands, very rural, (but not necessary too low tecnologically) there are this. I live in Basilicata, called also "the woods land". I'm just stay building up my Hypo-inspired studios in the woods, and in future i will be proud to receive any bands or guest, also scandinavian, that will be inspired from tranquillity, semplicity and majestic of my land(and a very unpolluted, pure air to breathe!), for a studio recording session (one of my hope/dream is invite finnish Kimmo Luttinen - Legenda, for making his 3rd legenda album, just inspired from a natural altrenative lands instead of finnish woods, and also will be honoured to invite Hypomembers for holydays/side project recording, in future, if thay will be spare time (but i doubt)). Some of that photos will be used for my coming album (, then i now can't release them, but if you want some (i've tons of others photo offline), just e-mail me, i will be proud and plesed to sent some to you.

PS: have take a look to my metalheads brother :) ? If Yes, what you think about ? (he listen hypocrisy since he was in the womb of my mother, throught speackers on her paunch, and he was seems pleased to hear, and moving (headbang) in the womb when listen Apocalypse, The 4th dimension or Dissection's Where Dead Angels lie) :)

However my lands have invented pasta, that now is eated in all world, but only in my lands you can taste original pasta's gusto. By the way, the average people's mind is far from intelligence and there are tons of christian brainwashed average futile people, and there aren't too many metalheads (in my city only i wear metal or wear Dissection or Hypocrisy shirt!).
Of course, i soon scan and update 14 oct Hypocrisy gig pics, with higly drunk/smocked (and 1000 kilometers train travelled with fever, in days before) me with Lars, Michael and Andreas.
