Last band finalized

Dude, are we at least going to know before tickets go on sale? :)

And if it is who I hope it is going to be, I'll be able to convince my friend Matt to come along.

The Michael

You will know next week before the tickets go on sale, all will be well and you will freaking dig the fest!!!!I am very excited :headbang:
The final Band is The Beatles!

I have know Idea why I said that.... LMAO!!
But I'm still going to press that Post Reply Button, because that's the kind of asshole I am! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dude, if the Beatles gave Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club a shot of the good ol' PPMI (Progressive Power Metal Infusion), I'm sure it would rock.

If Ringo Star could master the double kick and they added a good keyboardist, they could get a new guitarist and singer and tour with Therion :)

The Michael
I don't know where alot of bands are from but here's the only ones that I could think of that reign from Germany. Freedom Call, Galloglass, Human Fortress, Michael Schenker, Tomorrows Eve, and Haggard. These are just the bands that I listen to that I know are from Germany. Any one of those would be awesome!!! And I'm sure if it is a band i'm not familiar with, it will be someone awesome. I say this with much confidence because the rest of the lineup is beyond impressive. Here's to BARfest...:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Is it Beautiful Sin? They are a Century Media act that had their first album last year.

Or, is the band BASED in Germany? If that is the case, and since you were interested in Asian acts, would it be Saeko, the former Fairy Mirror (JPN)frontwoman and her band?
Freedom Call would be an excellent choice!!!-- However- I think having the band on the bill whose album title they were named after would be interesting.. Kind of like having Dio and Dream Evil!!