Last day @ CBA


Apr 15, 2001
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Today is my last day at the Commonwealth Bank , as I have been retrenched......I've known about this for quite a while (mid June in fact or actully 13th being a Black Friday.......spookie huh) . Well the good news is that I've secured employment for at least 12 months with somebody else.
As I consider you guys friends ...........DO NOT DEAL WITH CBA - THEY ARE A MOB OF FUK WITS.......In saying that its not the front line staff, tellers, clerks and lending officers (me) etc they are trying their best in very hard circumstances. Its as usual the bean counters and decision makers you do not have a grip on reality.....THEY ARE THE FUK WITS .........

Well thanks my rant for the day ..........I'be of to work and have a 3 hour lunch today ........Come home early and see my kids before its dark tonight.......
Banks are the spawn of Satan. Glad to hear you got another job for a while at least though Bucko :)
Cheers spawn............I see from your personal journal that you too have some issues for the people you work for as well..........Um also hav'nt seen a spawny recommends thread for a while.......
Onya Bucko. Fuck the CBA. Fuck all major banks in fact. You'll be happier working somewhere else.
Bucko, commiserations on losing a job, congrats on being happy and moving on.

Something I've learned over the last *coughs into hand* years is that just about every front line employee wants to do a good job.

Managers and beancounters do not seem to understand what the business is actually about.

I work in the power industry. Expect blackouts starting 2005/6, and extending for 3 or 4 years while we play catch-up pool for a decade of cutting maintenance expenditure.
I mean because they are always cutting staff, not because you will get fired. Well I do mean that, because they will fire you to save money, but you wont get fired because of something YOU did. Unless you do something.
I'm a temp. Companies like to fire permanent staff and replace them with temps. It's quite shocking just how many temps are at the place I work!
:lol: Good to hear, Southy! That's the spirit!

The current situation at the CBA, and also in the power industry (as indicated above) lead to one conclusion: privatisation is FUCKED!