Light of Day, Day of Darkness and Crimson


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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In a previous thread I was criticised for claiming to like Green Carnation's Light of Day, Day of Darkness better, let me properly explain why.

First off, I'm not ragging on Crimson, I love it. Light of Day and Crimson are so different the only thing that warrants their comparison is the fact they are both very long single song albums. But there is a reason I prefer Light of Day.

The lyrics to Crimson appear much more considered than Light of Day's lyrics. They are more descriptive and poetic. Light of Day has very non-poetic and blunt lyrics that do not beat around the bush. The reason this is important is that Crimson is a story, the listener does not partake in it, the listener simply listens to and interprets what they want of the plot. Light of Day on the other hand has spiritual lyrics concerning the movements if the mind which invite the listener to interpret in relation to themselves. They may concern the barreness of mandkinds thoughts, the quest for inner contentment, or the only true religion is what beliefs you create for yourself. In this way I prefer Light of Day, its not a story, simply a description of how the mind works in relation to the listener, it makes you think.

Secondly, in the vein of sprituality, Light of Day is almost symphonic, it sounds so warm, with a smidgen of discontent. It is almost frustratingly reserved, never over its 60 mins going too fast, almost demanding the listener to patiently await its conclusion. Crimson on the other hand grabs the listener and hardly lets up for 40 mins. I see its immediateness as a slight downfall, Light of Day takes more time to become used to, more time to enjoy for what it is. Where Crimson is fast, Light of Day is slow. I would describe Light of Day as Pink Floyd meets Tool, consulted by Andy Warhol backed by an orchestra and Katatonia. It is an expression of pure art although at times its smacks of the same pretentiousness this post does.

Finally, Light of Day is happier. Although this matters only on your disposition towards styles of music, I find Light of Day is one of the most contenting songs ever written. Crimson, in its damnation of purity and mankind, leaves a slightly sour taste when it is concluded. Light of Day is the only chunk of music that I find more redeeming and spiritual than any work by my favourite band Opeth.

I know I may seem stupid for bothering to write this much, and I'm sure some of you will see me as a moron for caring so much. But I'm bored, I've got nothing to do today and I just thought I'd try and explain myself. Try not to flame me too much. ;)
Hey guys....
There is plenty of other tracks longer than 30 minute that kicks Crimsons not look within the metal genre though.
Crimson was written in 24 hours and was never meant to be a classic, just a new way of making an album!!!

Originally posted by Dan Swanö
Hey guys....
There is plenty of other tracks longer than 30 minute that kicks Crimsons not look within the metal genre though.
Crimson was written in 24 hours and was never meant to be a classic, just a new way of making an album!!!

You're too modest ;)
Hey guys!
tell me what is the 'Light of Day, Day of Darkness',
which band?
It's interesting to me because you are compareing it with 'Crimson', and I don't know what about are you talking about.
Originally posted by Dan Swanö
Hey guys....
There is plenty of other tracks longer than 30 minute that kicks Crimsons not look within the metal genre though.
Crimson was written in 24 hours and was never meant to be a classic, just a new way of making an album!!!


Meant or not, but Crimson brought me into the world of Dan Swano
I usually write my songs (Lyrics) in an hour. I wrote two 7 pagers. One took me 2 weeks to write. The other took me 5 days to write. I am still proud of these accomplishments...
My record is writing three songs in one day, and they were all pretty good I have to say, but it was when I waas younger and never happened again. And without lyrics of course! I hate writing lyrics, it tooks ages for me. With the music I'm faster.
Most I've ever written is about 3 pages worth of lyrics in one day. I was trying to write an epic crimson-like song about a war between heaven and hell, it turned out alright.
I wrote one about Right Love vs. Wrong Love.

The Other was about a Mother who becomes angry at her city and causes war through out the city.
There are quite a few 30 minute plus songs out there..

Nearly every song by Devil Doll is 40 minutes plus, with Sacrilage Of Fatal Arms clocking in at 75 minutes or something..

Also, MISTIGGO VARGGOTH DARKESTRA's The Key to the Gates of Apocalypses is 72 minutes..

But Crimson and LODDOD are probably the best long songs I've ever heard. And like a lot of other people Crimson got me into Dan Swano.

The next longest song after Crimson that I've heard is probably X-Japan's Art Of Life, which is 30 minutes.

I love my long songs...
Timmeth - It isn't an Mp3 as of yet, if ure talking about my song. I'm gonna discuss the idea with the guitarist in my band and see what he thinks. Heres the prologue -

The Howl of the Righteous


Satan sat on his burnished throne, ruling realms of greed from his prison, alone,
A momentous sigh, a monstrous growl,
A nameless slave, a night veiled howl,
One was born in the bowels of hate,
Pure of heart, with death in his gait,
Smiling at the plight of the weak,
Venom-barbed thorns when he chose to speak,

He was the one for whom the evil lord wished,
Scowling, glowering in red soaked mist,
As if eager to kill, to stake his claim, he sprung forth from her womb,
When suddenly one he would not have, sprung forth from that fleshy tomb,

He was filthy of mind for he was happy and kind,
A pox on the damned, who never would understand,
Why he was chained to his heart, detached from evil to start,
He had to battle with the demons inside,

He was the one, who even the evil lord could not destroy,
Imprisoning him was the only way to go,
Not a fire-breathing minion or a demon horned, he was just a simple boy
forever to be a tortured toy,

Life moves on, the will to live his only key,
In a place with nothing but darkness and pain,
Solace in misery,
Comforted by the night, nothing left to fuel his flight,
His face distorts from lack of heat or light,

Is this the life of the righteous? Purity a sin to punish,
Is this the life of the true? Shackled within with nothing he could do.
He wasted the days, suspended in time,
Waiting in his cell for a vision sublime,
Then one day a girl came and spoke through the tears,
She had escaped from her prison in a chamber of fears,

The forces of good within her melted his confines,
So he could try to escape, and leave this hell behind,
Speaking in hushed tones, they then stole a kiss,
He turned and ran, escape a renewing bliss,

Is it the sin of the father, or the sin of the son?
The sin of the sinful, or the righteous one?
He knew not which way he’d run,
His journey to destruction had begun.

I've got heaps more, but haven't finished yet, cool to see other people like to write lyrics. Is your name Tim?
Originally posted by Light
'Light of Day, Day of Darkness' kind of sums it all up, really.
This album would be perfect if they USED MORE GROWLING VOX.
One - ONE! - part just isn't enough. I feel used and dirty.

(They could have done without the hysterical washerwoman, too)
I agree with both these comments. I would actually like the middle section if only she could sing better. While I would like there to be more death vocs, part of LODDOD's charm for me is how many elements they squeeze into that song without overdoing any one thing. So very tasteful.
If you ask me the best long songs would be 70s prog songs like Yes' Close to the Edge or Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells. Naked City's Leng T'Che also deserves a mention I think.