Last Fair Day Gone Night Tour 2011

Only if they record it as a bonus feature for the live DVD...

...else I'll rather stick with having a piece of anniversary cake and other philistine stuff. He's like a brother to me... after all.
Wait and see ;)
Back in the days where there was no internet people just went to concerts and got surprised of what the band came up with.
Nowadays everybody thinks he needs to know the full setlist before he goes to a gig.
Will it make a difference to you if they play the tracks from the eps or not?
Will it affect your decision to you go or to not go?
They should play it backwards and switch Dispossession with We Must Bury You....

And then end the second set with the convo from the Viva Emptiness inlay....trip hop style.

Am I a genius or what?
Wait and see ;)
Back in the days where there was no internet people just went to concerts and got surprised of what the band came up with.
Nowadays everybody thinks he needs to know the full setlist before he goes to a gig.
Will it make a difference to you if they play the tracks from the eps or not?
Will it affect your decision to you go or to not go?
Woa calm down budy, was just wondering. Some people like to know whats going to be played some dont, if you dont then thats great. If you would have read the thread you would have seen that I have already purchased my VIP ticket ;)
Wait and see ;)
Back in the days where there was no internet people just went to concerts and got surprised of what the band came up with.
Nowadays everybody thinks he needs to know the full setlist before he goes to a gig.
Will it make a difference to you if they play the tracks from the eps or not?
Will it affect your decision to you go or to not go?
Good point, it's so much nicer to be surprised than knowing the entire setlist in advance..
I'm coming to London gig and just had to buy VIP-ticket. Couldn't be more excited, LFDGD is my favourite album and actually I love London as well, so preeetty nice.

Anyone else from Finland going? I bought two tickets, but I'm not sure whether my friend is going or not and it would be nice to travel with someone.
Alright, I was successfully able to talk THE Carlotta Champagne into this, so it looks like a 95% chance that I'll be coming over for at least one gig. Right now, it looks like we're going to be hitting up the Zaandam gig and using that as a springboard for an erotic European adventure.

Fuck, I wanna go to Ibiza and 69/party while on that side of da globe!!

I most likely will get VIP tickets, seems dumb to travel that far and not unless you've got Big Dawg status with the band like Anthony "BIG DAWG" 3.

So, if any of you local suckers want to party with BigDawg69 in Amsterdam the day before and/or after the show, keep your calendars free!