Last Fair Deal Some Down


Nobody in particular
Apr 16, 2002
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Hey. I've looked and looked and I can't find a place over the internet where they sell Last Fair Deal Some Down. Could you please help me?
ahh... they sell it on, runs about 15 bucks... the cd is called last fair deal *GONE* down, btw, which may account for your not finding it, but... go on amazon, search for katatonia, it should pop right up...
You are right. It was Last Fair Deal Gone Down. I can't read my own writing. =) I just discovered Katatonia by looking at art. I listened to their music and fell in love. Anyway, thank you.
They do have it on Amazon!!! I've already ordered Discourged Ones, but I'm getting Last Fair Deal Gone Down as well.
congrats :) get tonight's decision, while you're at it... definitely worth it... also the art on TD is, imho, by far the best cd-booklet art i've ever seen... whatever you order tho, enjoy em... :)
Thank you. There art is wonderful. You can get some at I plan on ordering some of their pictures whenever I can get some more money.
Hey Mandy. :)

Do you know the band Opeth? I feel ridiculous asking, but ya never know. Their lead/vocals, Mikael Åkerfeldt, did work with Katatonia before on an album called Brave Murder Day.

Check out the band Novembre! Their album Novembrine Waltz is occupying a lot of my time.
Yes, I totally support the Novembre recommedation.

It's not too far off the amazing Last Fair Deal Some Down album...
Mandy you are truly in for some amazing music. Definitely check out the band Daylight Dies.
hmm... suggestions... for bands with similar sounds, i dont honestly listen to too many, most others really don't catch my attention the way katatonia does... for similar "feel" though,
- definitely check out anathema - my personal favorite albums are alternative 4 and judgement, altho their new one ' a fine day to exit' is also wonderful (some certain people on this board will disagree with that... me, i like it)...
- amorphis is another good band with a similar sort of attitude, if a little bit more 'rock.' top albums, imho: elegy and tuonela...
- jeff buckley is very different than katatonia musically, but occupies a very similar emotional area, and is fantastic singer/songwriter-esque stuff...
- and many, many more...
what is it you find most appealing about katatonia? (if that's an answerable question)... knowing that, can probably suggest more things that you might like... hope this helps!!
If you want a Katatonia clone (and a good one at that!), give Veil of Sorrow a go. Their album 'Dark rivers of the heart' is really good.
And someone has mentioned Anathema already. Go for either Eternity (my fav), Alternative 4, or Judgement.
also, i'd just like to point out that i've got that katatonia poster (the one you mentioned on hanging over my desk right now :) one of the few items in my cramped dorm room that i'm truly proud of... it, and the vast collection of books (comic and not), far surpassing all my hallmates in both variety, size, and (imho) quality ;) on a related note (altho completely and utterly unrelated to this thread, and so probably not a great place to put it, but whatever) has anyone here read the book 'infinite jest' by david foster wallace? just finished that... and would be very interested in discussing it with anyone else who has read and could maybe offer some insight :) okay... sorry to get so tangential... may i also suggest as a band worth checking out Life of Agony? personally, i rank their cd 'ugly' as one of my favorite ever, and as being one of those which led me (altho indirectly) to katatonia... just a thought... okay, i'm starting to ramble... to bed with you, silly boy... ;)
I appreciate your help. I looked into those bands listed and liked them. I couldn't find somewhere that I could listen to Veil of Sorrow though. I've not read the book "Infinite Jest". What's it about?
wouldn't that kinda have to get run past you first, travis?? and i must say, i'm very glad to have it as a poster... by far one of the most amazing cd covers i've ever seen... thank you :)
I got "Discouraged Ones" in!!!! I have listened to it over and over and love it. "Last Fair Deal Gone Down" is shipping at the moment. I can't wait to have that one as well.