Late Breaking News Flash!


Shit faced
Jan 4, 2005
Terra Australis
[CNN 13 February 2005 ]

What we all knew for ourselves has finally been declared official. Anthrax Mosher is the biggest cocksmack in the world having just swept the inaugural Biggest Cocksmack in the World Awards held earlier this evening. At the post award Vip party he was excited and overjoyed:
"Im excited and overjoyed." he said. "I just cant believe this is happening! I mean gee, I always knew I was an A grade fuckhead but to be crowned the Biggest Cocksmack in the World. Wow. I havn't felt this happy since my Filipino mail order arrived. I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank my parents who, despite the recommendations of most people in the medical profession, decided not to leave me in the woods at birth."

Well folks, there you have it.....

Biggest Cocksmack in the World is a registered Trademark of Cocksmack Enterprises USA
Saucy_Jack said:
[CNN 13 February 2005 ]

What we all knew for ourselves has finally been declared official. Anthrax Mosher is the biggest cocksmack in the world having just swept the inaugural Biggest Cocksmack in the World Awards held earlier this evening. At the post award Vip party he was excited and overjoyed:
"Im excited and overjoyed." he said. "I just cant believe this is happening! I mean gee, I always knew I was an A grade fuckhead but to be crowned the Biggest Cocksmack in the World. Wow. I havn't felt this happy since my Filipino mail order arrived. I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank my parents who, despite the recommendations of most people in the medical profession, decided not to leave me in the woods at birth."

Well folks, there you have it.....

Biggest Cocksmack in the World is a registered Trademark of Cocksmack Enterprises USA

Best thread ever.
I think most people know that AM is a jackoff. What's the point of giving him his own thread? Seems quite silly to me.

Saucy_Jack said:
[CNN 13 February 2005 ]

What we all knew for ourselves has finally been declared official. Anthrax Mosher is the biggest cocksmack in the world having just swept the inaugural Biggest Cocksmack in the World Awards held earlier this evening. At the post award Vip party he was excited and overjoyed:
"Im excited and overjoyed." he said. "I just cant believe this is happening! I mean gee, I always knew I was an A grade fuckhead but to be crowned the Biggest Cocksmack in the World. Wow. I havn't felt this happy since my Filipino mail order arrived. I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank my parents who, despite the recommendations of most people in the medical profession, decided not to leave me in the woods at birth."

Well folks, there you have it.....

Biggest Cocksmack in the World is a registered Trademark of Cocksmack Enterprises USA

Cocksmaker or Cocknocker... i knew his was going to win..... LMAO:puke:
I was actually going to write something like "give this guy a break"...

...but I DID laugh my ass off.
OK that was pretty funny but i think it's time to quit knocking AM at every available oportunity. The guy has pissed a few of us off(including myself) and said some stupid shit on numerous occasions but i think we should let it lie. Or not i dunno?
Jockthrax said:
OK that was pretty funny but i think it's time to quit knocking AM at every available oportunity. The guy has pissed a few of us off(including myself) and said some stupid shit on numerous occasions but i think we should let it lie. Or not i dunno?

That´s true.
freebeer said:
I find it funny that someone's feelings got so hurt that they have to resort to attacking a screen name for their vengeance, while ignoring the fact that you can't tell anything about me by a screen name whereas I CAN tell from your post that you aren't funny and are acting like a pre-pubescent moron for perpetuating a foolish situation involving another poster on these forums. Now, you can either shut up and take the advice I already gave you or you can keep responding and have me rip you to shreds further.

*With a slow southern twang*

"Them there sure are a lot of fancy, bookworm learnin' words you put in that there sentence. You a college boy or sumpin'?"

freebeer said:
I find it funny that someone's feelings got so hurt that they have to resort to attacking a screen name for their vengeance, while ignoring the fact that you can't tell anything about me by a screen name whereas I CAN tell from your post that you aren't funny and are acting like a pre-pubescent moron for perpetuating a foolish situation involving another poster on these forums. Now, you can either shut up and take the advice I already gave you or you can keep responding and have me rip you to shreds further.

YAWN! Get off your soapbox you stupid fuck. Dont preach to me about being mature. Who molested your inner child? Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun you fucking prig, stick in the mud piece of shit.
Oh sorry, I better refrain from upsetting Mr 'freebeer'. He might rip me to shreds again :tickled:
Feel free to bore us all with some more uptight drivel A-hole.
I see you are still refusing to move on. I am growing tired of your feeble wit and halfed assed attempts to cut me down. You can continue to sit here and sass me like an upstart shitkicker if you would like to, thats fine with me. This saga has made it abundantly clear to me and everybody else that you feel threated by someone as smart and hilariously funny such as myself. You are too stubborn just to let shit slide, feeling the need to continually pollute our minds with your verbal syphillis. I would like to wish you good luck in the future and if you need me Ill be standing over there in the "Couldnt Give A Fuck What You Have To Say" section. Its really starting to fill up.
PS. I cant take this seriously any more. I am starting to piss myself with laughter. Its been fun mate..