lately I find myself listening to more music that I thought I would never get into


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
I started investigating a bunch of the experimental Nordic jazz/electronica stuff that's been getting hyped lately (see The Wire for example) and I'm finding that I really like a lot of it. And that's leading into more avant noisy stuff from members of the scene as well as more traditional Nordic jazz. I've pretty much hated all the 'free jazz' that I've heard before, but dammit all the stuff I've heard from free-improv group Supersilent is scarily good.

maybe I'm just getting sick of mediocre to crap pop/rock. I dunno, but I haven't heard much new exciting stuff with guitars outside of maybe Kayo Dot or Beyond Dawn for awhile. with a few exceptions, of course.

gah, we'll see what the big fall releases bring