Just when I thought I had heard everything Ulver had to offer...

Aug 31, 2004
I bought the 'A Quick Fix Of Melancholy' EP from The End table at Prog-Power, which is one of the last experimental Ulver things I didn't have. I had to make a thread about it, because this twenty-three minute EP is SOOOOO amazing.

Most notable are the two vocal pieces, "Little Blue Bird" and "Vowels." This is real neo-classical music. There's great use of classical instrumentation and arrangements that go with the vocals. And of course the vocals are amazing, it being Garm and all. :loco: Basically it's kind of an "in between" period stylistically. While their newest is more "experimental" with a lot of electronic elements as well as classical/jazz/whatever, this is very classical sounding, and the electronics are present, but it doesn't sound "electronic" at all. The title of the EP is exactly what you're getting. The word I've often associated Ulver with is "reflective," but melancholy might also work, just not in the way I would most often think of it.

You really need to hear "Little Blue Bird" from this. I've heard a lot of moving, give you goosebumps songs, but this is near the top of the pile. The song gives me shivers every time I hear it, and it has a definite emotional progression. Vowels is also incredibly moving, in a bit of a different way though.

Just had to post a bit on this after being so moved by the two vocal tracks on this album. It's not metal at all, it doesn't even have guitars, but I thought it deserved some mention.

Anyone else have this? It's only $8 with free shipping from The End if you have a hankering for some pretentious music. :p
This ep was one of the first things I ever heard from Ulver, and it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my life.
I will buy it right away!
I am in love with this band.. A friend of mine showed me a few CDs and I simply love it..
I don't know why I didn't check it out before.. It's right up my alley...