Just a thought that I had.

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Orphaned Brother
Apr 6, 2008
Bear with me, this is a little long.

I saw ' You Don't Mess with the Zohan ' last weekend. Some people may find it unfunny, silly, offensive even, or just plain lame. Firstly, after getting to know about Orphaned Land, you begin to see the unity amongst the people from Arab nations and the Israelis. As an outsider, I had not heard or read about this. At the end of the aforementioned movie, you see the Palestinians and Israelis sharing their workspace and working together. With all the fighting going on, again, I know that its always the common man who is caught in the conflict between extremists [in any hostile situation all across the world] it seems like a wonderful thing, a dream come true even. Of course I knew about the Abrahamic religions way before I first heard mabool, but after seeing the triangle, from the point of view of an outsider, it seems like brothers are fighting with each other for nothing. Please do not mistake me. Its not the common man I am talking about again. In the end, the voice of the democratically elected government IS the voice of the nation. It is a wonderful sight and thought seeing the brothers put down their arms and embrace each other [like in the movie].
I can sort of relate this with my muslim brothers from Pakistan. Although I am not exactly religious, I am a Hindu whether I like it or not. And some people are so prejudiced against the muslims. Especially against the Pakistanis. Lot of this hate has sprung about due to a recent spate of blasts all across the nation. I have a few Pakistani friends online. We hardly share anything in common. Unlike the Jews and Muslims from the Middle-east, we don't share faith either. To a certain extent, culture probably. But Pakistanis are very courteous people. When my brother went there [Its almost like Palestine and Israel my friends] he was treated really well and even little restaurant owners refused money because he is from India.
When people are so cordial, why do the authorities not look at embracing the 'enemy' rather than attacking them ? Of course you cant wait stretch your hands and wait for a hug while there is a person opposite you ready to pull the trigger of his AK-47. But I hope that one day, we all live in peace . And thanks a lot for reading the whole thing.

- Ananth from India
Nice words, I haven't seen the movie but I saw a trailer of it and I think that it still doesn't describe the real attitude of the Israeli men, since it is hard to describe, there are many type of cultures and ethnic groups in Israel like in America.. all the people have been immigrated to Israel from various countries; Yemen, Marocco, Germany, Greece, Poland, Russia, Uk , America, etc... so there are many type of colours and faces.. still I hope that one day we all can live together happily.
WOW, thanx for writing such an optimistic essay here. You are right about the movie; the opinions vary. But having lots of friends from Israel and knowing the country pretty well I can say that a lot of the homour portrayed in this movie is based upon real characteristics. Although I have never seen anyone brush their teeth with humous...

As long as there are people like you who are open minded enough to form their own opinion on such topics, there is still hope. I keep on saying that it's hard to hate someone you don't know when you meet face to face. Then it's only a question of being human and nothing more.
Thanks a lot Junglist and Nathalie :D

I only learnt recently that Most of the 'Israeli' words were concocted by the scriptwriters and they are not Hebrew words, but hell ! they still sound cool !
Is that film available to see somehow in the internet?? I haven't seen it but after reading your essay (optimistic, so nice and definitely not too long ;) ), Anath, I've got the general thought that any kind of hate and nacionalism leads to nothing but more hate. My nation for hundreds of years lived with other nations in one country: Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Jews, Belorussians, Germans, Armenians... It could be the beautiful, multicultural country where each nations gives something unique. Ordinary people just were living together day by day, side by side; but the bad attitude of some group of infuental people led the masses to discrimination and even wars. It's sad part of my history and I feel so bad when I see what you've mentioned - that its always the common man who is caught in the conflict between extremists. Yes, and extremists sadly are able to destroy SO much while people just want to live... Like you, I hope that we could all live in peace...
Hello scorpy !
Yeah you can get all these releases on torrents :D . http://www.mininova.org/tor/1766066 . This must work.
I know that I am involving myself in piracy by illegally downloading, but that is the only way we get movies of that sort here. I don't live in a fundamentalist country, but conservative, which is equally pissing off I suppose :D.

Its Ananth ! Pretty often people forget the second 'n'

'Yes, and extremists sadly are able to destroy SO much while people just want to live'

This sadly occurs quite often in India, where few politicians hold cities for ransom by inciting hatred.

And I first made this thread a few months back. On november 26th, the incident in Bombay occurred. The scenario of facing a man with a loaded AK 47 did occur. Over 200 unarmed people were brutally shot at by a dozen odd Pakistani men. I didn't lose anyone close, but just like everyone else, I was affected. But apart from the political establishment[Including the darned terrorists], my stand on Pakistani civillians remain the same. Hopefully matters won't escalate into an all out war.

'Like you, I hope that we could all live in peace'

I sadly doubt that we are going to witness that :D
The state of Israel is putting an end to a daily rocket attack which lasted 8 years. For 8 years the town of Sderot and the Kibbutzim surrounding the streap had to deal with daily attacks of missiles, as well as Ashkelon which is more remote and Hamas used "Grad" missiles in order to reach this city.
A democracy has every right to defand itself from terrorism. If Leicestershire, Kent, Hemphire or othr places in england wouldbe get hit by a single missile, the government of the UK wouldve do whatever it takes to put an end to this.
After 8 long years of negociation attempts, the state of Israel has every right to put an end to hamas terrorism and non of the world's governments, including the arab world, have stated any denunciation of the actions.
I believe that sooner or later the palestinians will realize terrorism is not a way of life and chose to educate their children math and languae instead of how to build missiles and kill jews everywhere in the world as they do now.

With these words Im ending this political discussion who stared in an optimistic words

As usual, a political post drags to this forum users who come to bug with their extreme opinions and venish as soon as the thread ends.
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