Is it just me or...?

Orfanos said:
They play live, they came in Athens/Greece last year. They play melodic doom metal and they are a very good band (I don't know though if you like doom).
Their new (third) album "Veronica Decides to Die" will be released at May 22nd and it is a good chance to check them out.:)
Great, Doom Metal has been my most listened genre lately. I'll check them out when I come home, and hope I might catch a show, even though they don't have anything schedualled, as far as I can see.

... And well, our own OL was deathdoom at a time:p
Morticia NL. said:
Enya- I'll answer the question. No, they are not free.
But there's plenty more nice guys living in Israel, I can asure you.
Damn you kill the hope of thousands young teens dreaming on Kobi!!!! Hoping it will not lower the sellings of the next album :lol: