Just a thought


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Those of you who own Dehumanizer by Black Sabbath should all go and have a listen to track 1, Computer God.

(Waits six minutes and ten seconds)

Now, read the lyrics and tell me they're not exactly the same as some of the ideas in The Matrix. Hmm? I think an explanation from the brothers Wachowski is called for...

I love that song!

Those Wachowskis ripped off everyone. Grant Morrison, Ghost In The Shell, Asian cinema kung fu movies... If they had an original idea it would be lonely.
Actually the concept behind the Matrix isn't that original. It's merely a variation of stories like 'We Can Remember it For You Wholesale', 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' and similar bleak visions of the near future. But I see your point.