Just a thought


New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2001
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Time. We are ruled by time. Time governs our actions, our lives. Eventually you will run out of time. Your internal clock will give up, and you will slowly pass on. Where you go from here doesn't matter to this thread. Time is the issue. Time has been reffered to many a 'time' with combinations of other terms. Space/time. Timed out. Find how fast an object travels with respect to time. What I am saying now is that time does not exist.

I'm guessing that I'm going to have to explain myself here. Such a foreign idea as the nonexistance of time? PAH! Well, what is time? It is simply a tool of measurement. 60 seconds ago I started typing. Over a thousand years ago the Greeks fought against the Persions.

My argument simply is this. Man created the idea of time so that he/she can easilly keep track of what is going on. That is all. That is why it is impossible to go back through time. The idea of going back to a past event cannot happen if time does not exist, that then is erased from existance. And if I keep going I'll be rambling, and it's late so I'm going off to bed.
Not a bad rambling for your first post. Welcome.

Time does exist, it's just relative to the individual. As for us creating this idea, this is true, we created ALL ideas! For an idea to exist, there has to be a mind to withhold it.

What I want to know about is telling time.

Time is supposed to tell all. What if it doesn't want to? What if time is like "Screw you, I'm not telling you anything. I just don't feel up to it right now". What do you say back?
"Hey dammit, tell me!"
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me whatever the hell it is everybody is promising me you're going to tell!"
"And if I don't?"
"Then I'll tell you!"
"Tell me what?"
"I'll... tell you, time..."
"Yes, we established that, what exactly are you going to be telling me?"
"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be the one to tell me stuff!"
"Nonsense. You know how to tell time."
"Err... yes, but..."
"Well then?"
"Alright, look, according to common expressions, we're supposed to both tell each other stuff. How about we come to some sort of agreement?"
"What can you tell me?"
"I can tell time."
"So let me get this straight, I tell you the resolution to all of the issues in your life and, in return, you give me a few digits?"
"Uh... well..."
"Sounds like a shitty deal."
"Are you Swiss?"
"Uhh... nothing. Right. Nice talking to you."
"Oh, running away, eh? Well, run you yellow bastard!"

A conversational Rambling, posted for your reading pleasure. (small bow)
welcome to the board, but remember, just because we can't imagine something happening logicaly, doesn't mean it can't happen. who would have thought of aeroplanes thousands of years ago? was it logically possible for aeroplanes to exist back then for a person living then? i don't have a clue if time travel is possible, deffinatly not in my lifetime, im almost certain of that, and i doubt it full stop. but it doesnt mean its not possible (although it probably isn't)
Time is nothing. Time is just a title for something that no one understands.

Time was created so that we could keep track of when the 'messiah' was born. Before then, no time was kept, there was no day, there was no week, there was no month, there was no year.

'WE' have been constructed so that we would all un-knowingly live our lives according to religion and beleif, even those who shun such things. We are a living construction, governed by the laws of this thing we call 'time'. Yet what is time? Time is relative they say... But they themselves do not know what time is...
...and all this time? I thought I loved time? but infact I actually love cycles! Welcome ulalah7919!
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn

Time does exist, it's just relative to the individual. As for us creating this idea, this is true, we created ALL ideas! For an idea to exist, there has to be a mind to withhold it.

All ideas? Na nonsense. There is, mind you, plenty of room to be "antirealist" about the verity of ideas that some scientists (or rationality per) dish out. But just because something is perceived by a mind- any mind- let alone a human mind does not for this reason make it "created" in the sense of fiction, *if* that is what you're driving at.

In short, death is an idea and I assure you it exists whether a person is alive to perceive it.
Time was created so that we could keep track of when the 'messiah' was born. Before then, no time was kept, there was no day, there was no week, there was no month, there was no year

I believe this is false....The Egyptians among others had calanders, didn't they?
there is oviously a such thing as time otherwise we wouldn't be here but the word "time"is just a measurment of the amount of movent that everything has made. but as far as time travel I'm not sure that will ever happen because don't you think that if we could someone would have seen someone from the future by now? I mean there is nothing that would stop them from changing their past and destroying our prsent, and also if ppl could ever travel through time that would make life meaningless beacuse your life would already be decided even befor you where born ohhh well i guess I'll quit talkin about that. . . . but this is suppost to be an opeth forum let's talk about opeth even thought this was a good subjet for your first topic
Originally posted by E V I L
In short, death is an idea and I assure you it exists whether a person is alive to perceive it.

Well, this sort of goes back to the tree falling in a forest thing. Does anything happen if there's nobody there to percieve it? However, for the sake of your point, I wasn't referring to the "fictional invention" of ideas so much as the neccessity of a person being present to withhold perception, the "idea". Death exists regardless, but the idea of death doesn't exists without a mind to hold the idea. Making this distinction may be insignificant, but I was just sort of rambling at the time, myself.
The Egyptians among others had calanders, didn't they?

Yes, even the Hebrew people had a calendar prior to Christ's birth. I believe the Egyptians were one of the first, if not the first, to measure time by the stars. Current calendars are based off the Roman calendar which was the most accurate, historically.

I think, maybe, that the original guy was joking about the calendar, but maybe not.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville

Yes, even the Hebrew people had a calendar prior to Christ's birth. I believe the Egyptians were one of the first, if not the first, to measure time by the stars. Current calendars are based off the Roman calendar which was the most accurate, historically.

I think, maybe, that the original guy was joking about the calendar, but maybe not.

actually the azteck calander was the most acurat they had I think it was 363 days in a year or something like that
I believe this is false....The Egyptians among others had calanders, didn't they?

Yes, very true. But we don't live by those calenders, now do we?
The 'Time' that we as people live by, the universal time and day, is totally different to that of the egyptians. I love egyptian theology and egyptology, that was a good point that you made, but that was not what i was referring to.

We are living our lives according to CHRISTIAN time, not through egyptian calendars.

Everything revolves around time, yet for egyptians, time revolved around everything (such as stars, moons, eclipses, etc.). These things are noted by us according to OUR calendar, they don't MAKE our calendar.

-Trapped in a corner