Lately, I've been playing a lot of...


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Final Fantasy III

yeah I know the Japanese "real" versions are numbered differently but whatever, it's FFIII to me.

I haven't yet gotten to the World of Ruin but am chugging along pretty well. Last night I got my butt kicked by Intangir. In the old days, I used to heavily boost up Cyan, but I've totally neglected him this game and am focusing on Sabin (as always), Locke, Terra, Edward, Mog, Gau, and Celes.
In the realm of RPGs for the SNES, I'm playing through a translation of Dragon Quest V that I'm pretty sure was released in the US. Preparation for Dragon Quest VIII coming out sometime soon.

Boost Cyan! MP and Button combo free sword tech tastiness! Tremendous advantage everywhere but that magic only tower.
I dunno, I've seen some arguments that Cyan's good SwordTechs take too long to charge up to, especially in comparison to Relic-enhanced regular attacks (Offering + Genji Glove is far better than even the quadra slash, and doesn't require you to waste turns waiting for the meter to rise).
Sabin can become ridiculously powerful pretty early on, so I usually stick with powering up Celes, Locke and Terra.

Also, Celes is like the best character in all of Final Fantasy (barring perhaps a few of the villians with *alot* of personality)
auughh I decided this go-around to use characters I always ignored when I was a kid

so I was playing with Relm, and the well-known sketch bug manifested, and now I have like 9 illuminas and 99 dirks and a bunch of marvel shoes and an excalibur in my inventory.

it's totally not fun to be dual-wielding two illuminas before i've even gotten Locke back in the World of Ruin yet! i kill everything with one swing, especially if Pearl fires!
I've been playing a lot of Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS. That may end whenever the FFVI remake comes out for the GBA, though.
I always thought so but EVERY walkthrough I've been reading nowadays says that Sabin isn't the way to go, statwise. Bum Rush is good enough that you should just spam it 100% of the time, apparently, and boost his Magic Power with every level up to add to it. Whereas I like to boost Sabin's Vigor and give him claws and the Genji Glove (which is how I'm playing him now, saving Bum Rush for bosses).
Yeah, I always boosted his vigor as well, not really worrying about anything else, effectively making him my "brute" character.

Dwelling on stats sometimes kills rpgs for me, but some games benefit from it, like Final Fantasy Tactics. That game is a mathematics dream.
Do the Dragon Quest (Warrior) just bore the hell out of anyone else? I played through about 25 hours of Dragon Warrior VII (the 120+ hour one) until I realized it was so damned boring that I was just going to end up wasting alot of time and energy.

The Shin Megami Tensei games have held my interest the most as of late.