latency issues with Revalver mkIII


Feb 23, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
long time lurker here, first time posting

im having alot of troubles with latency and Revalver with ProTools 8 and Logic Pro. I use them for seperate things but they both have the same problem.

any tips on how to remedy this? its fucking annoying

First post a double thread, congratulations on that I havent seen that before !!!!

About the latency, yes there is latency but in what way is it affecting you ?

- Are you playing live thru the amp sim ?
- Is the latency a problem at mixing time or a playing time ?

Be more specific, because lots of people here use ProTools and Logic.
Okay, specific I can do, also its good to see an Aussie help another :kickass:

Im running ProTools 8.0.1 on a Macbook (2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 3Gb RAM - I know, I wanna update it so bad but i'm broke) through my DigiDesign 003+.
How I've worked it probably isnt the correct way to do it but I could only figure out how to do it this way (suggestions are welcome). Forget my suggestion of Logic Pro, I havent used it yet through it as I mainly use Logic for remixes and MIDI related stuff.

Basically I have one track direct DI from my 003+ into a record ready audio track, then have a send to an auxiliary track where I have Revalver working its magic.
I did this because I wanted to be able to only have the 1 Amp simulation running, so I could have many audio tracks ready for different takes/layers, then just record ready which ever track I wanted and still hear it through the auxiliary (I hope this makes sense). I basically wanted to be able to track live into ProTools and be able to hear at the same time (instead of having to play a dry track then listen after i "revalved" it)

Have i completely missed the correct way to do it?
And if you got any tips Revalver-ish, setups, settings, etc. they would be muchly appreciated as well.
Hey buddy, where in brisbane you based?

Sometimes revalver tries to default to the basic os sound drivers. Try starting the app as a stand alone and then change the driver settings to your 003. Sometimes I've found revalver can also wig our with protools when running multiple monitors. Hope this helps you guy. Welcome to the forum :)
thanks guys, muchly appreciated

@amarshism ill try that tomorrow, at the moment im in logic mode finishing a norma jean remix, and as for brisbane, i should really put nomad haha i travel alot, but im looking for anything audio related workwise in brissy so i can settle down, ive been everywhere between Rockhampton QLD to Byron Bay NSW.
The obvious suggestions are :
- Make sure you have a low latency sound card driver ( ASIO Driver ? )
- When playing live turn off ALL plugins in the whole project except revalver
because the DAW will calculate the worst case latency of your whole signal pathway.
Better yet, find another way to monitor your guitar signal externally so you don't need to monitor through Revalver.
That's what I do and all is fine that way