Latency issues.


New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2014
I've been trying to re-record some guitars on a song and I keep getting latency issues causing the tiniest of gaps between me playing and the sound playing in Logic. This has happened before and is usually a quick fix by either pressing play and then stopping again to reset it or if need be taking my interface out then plugging it back in, but now for some reason it's just not happening. I've tried changing the I/O buffer size and all that but still nothing. Anyone able to help?

EDIT: I have opened up another project and it is absolutely fine so it's something to do with the first project I just don't know what.
Is there a limiter on the master bus, VTM on some channels or something like that? Heavy plugins can introduce quite a bit of latency, VTM/Decapitator both introduce a delay of about 2k samples which equates to 50ms at 44.1k - way too much to be able to play through.
I tried turning off all of the plugins i was using and it didn't change anything, might just be my audio interface but it seems weird that it would work fine in one session and not in another.
Did you turn them off or just bypass them? Not sure about Logic, but in Pro Tools plugins induce latency even when bypassed, you have to straight up deactivate them.

An alternative solution would be to just create a mixdown of the song, make a new session for tracking guitars with the mixdown and the new guitar tracks and then import the new tracks into the main session when you're done :)
I had just bypassed them so maybe that was it. But yeah I just ended up making a new project an reimporting the drums and bass in so it wasn't that much effort in the end to get things recorded.