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Master Exploder
Iced Earth - Horror Show
Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World
Demons & Wizards - s/t
Avantasia - Metal Opera
Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down the new Iced Earth last Friday (the digi, and how cool is the packaging?!?! :D) and the rest today whilst down at Metal Mayhem.
Today I got:

Sabbath - Reunion ($17 for a double CD!) and
Slash's Snakepit - Ain't Life Grand ($6!)

both at JB HiFi. Not bad eh?!

Yesterday I got Live After Death 2nd hand. I've had it on tape for about ten years but never got around to getting the CD till now. Still pissed off I missed out on getting a 2CD version in Singapore because I decided to go for a walk around the city, and when I came back it was gone.....grrrrrrrrrrr! :(

Yay! Katatonia! I only just got 1 CD of their's - Tonight's Decision. It's v.v.v.v.v.v.good

Heh I hope you saw that Coops.

Oh Coops, and if you find any mistakes in that hardcopy you downloaded, I have some Snowpake which may be of use to you :D

And a big bright red pen is always handy to circle the errors to be Snowpaked.
Yeah Reunion is great! I'm listening to it as I write....

And as I told Trent Trooper when I saw him tonight :) I bought Horror Show today at Metal Mayhem. Haven't had the chance to listen to the whole thing yet, but the packaging is superb!
Actually, my apologies for mentioning Sabbath, for it was pointed out to me by a kid on #australiametal that neither Sabbath, Priest, nor Maiden are metal. Damn, my mistake. :D

A couple of others on this BB were given a British metal education by Mr 15 too. Don't we all feel so enlightened?! Oh dear.
How good was Vanishing Point's gig Rob!! :)

Horror Show is cool :) Only complaint is its lack of catchiness compared to other Iced Earth albums.

HAHAHAHA Rob, thats right. I remember that bloke. We have to move with the times don't we, that's what he told us. Now that bands like Soulfly exist, Iron Maiden's music must have suddenly changed to another style that isn't metal. How strange...
Hehehe that's right Tim. If Maiden want to be metal they should sing "run to the 'hood" or "I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime the fuck up". ;)

That's right Trent, if you want real metal, try Soulfly. They have dreadlocks and use no more than four chords, after all. Bugger that Maiden shit with great vocals, bass, guitars and all the rest of it for a joke.

Yeah the gig last night ruled! I wish I hadn't been sat out on the door though, as I only saw from the second half of VP onwards. At least I got myself a complimentary longsleeve though. :) And I did get to meet Tin Man! I thought Kymera were cool too!
How good is 'Aint Life Grand!!! :D

(In a rockin'funbeerdrinkin'pornowatchin'twistyeatin' sort of way

Ain't Life Grand is great! I bought it a few months ago on tape in Indonesia, then when I saw it on CD for $6 I thought "Me again buy now!". ;)